debian package for newLisp

Started by Dmi, August 05, 2005, 01:47:39 PM

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You can find "debian" directory for packaging newLisp to .deb at">//

Instructions about packaging are in the package's README.Debian file
WBR, Dmi




Debian apt repository now available:

For sarge:
deb sarge main
deb-src sarge main

For etch:
deb etch main
deb-src etch main

Current version is 8.9.3.
WBR, Dmi


now "util" directory (with newlisp.vim) is included under /usr/share/newlisp/doc
WBR, Dmi


Just wondering ... is a binary Debian package usable in Ubuntu Linux? or would it have to be made on Ubuntu Linux? or does Ubuntu have their own package format?

Ubuntu Linux seems to be very popular, it would be great to have a package or package maker script for this?



The deb format is the same.

I suspect, that "etch" version can be safely used uder Ubuntu, but we need a volunteer to test.

Rebuilding from source package should be ok anyway (very simple procedure).

If anyone have a questions about Debian/Ubuntu/Knoppix I am ready to help.
WBR, Dmi


I would like to help to get newlisp into Ubuntu and as a first try on Ubuntu made a .deb with checkinstall run on Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Desktop ( .deb is linked to on this page"> ).

I looked at the process for package inclusion in Ubuntu discussed here"> . From what is said here"> if a package is alredy in Debian then is could be requested across into Ubuntu with a bug report. So the question is should the aim be for Ubuntu or into Debian first? Dmi - what do you think? If Ubuntu is the primary target then listing newlisp with supporting reasons for inclusion on"> appears the first step.

I'll be running Ubuntu 6.06 LTS and latest stable (eg 6.10 currently) Desktops on Intel 32bit platforms so I can test or build. To approach Member status for a developer requires a significant involvement (2 months+ of demonstrated contributions) which is beyond me at this time so advocacy of newlisp to Ubuntu packagers with offer of as much help to them as possible from the newlisp community seems to be the way to go.



There is somebody who has submitted a newLISP package to FreeBSD. I think 'Stanislav Sedov' is his name. Pehaps he has some ideas.

The fact that newLISP is submitted/accepted to FreeBSD ma be another good reason by itself for acceptance to other OS's and distributions. It went there through several iterations of submission making changes etc.  See this link:"> ... me=newlisp">

The 9.1 release is scheduled for February 15th, so even if it takes 2 months, it would still come close to the release date.

Meanwhile I updated the"> page to reflect the availability of an Ubuntu package.


ps: other reasons packagers might like to hear is: (1) small size (2) good documentation -> fits into Ubuntu philosophy


The sarge .deb file of 9.0.0 linked from the newlisp downloads page installs on Ubuntu 6.10 Intel.  The etch .deb won't install because it needs a slightly newer readline5 version.


Hello guys! Happy New Year!

I'm slightly far away from my computers at holidays...

Nigel, I think that newlisp is definitely needed in Debian, because many servers are running it now (and many my servers too :-).

Unfortunately, I'm afraid that in case of bug reports I'll not be able to strictly maintain the package alone because of slightly unstable (but not bad :-) my current pesonal situation.

Does "dpkg-buildpackage" on my source package makes the Ubuntu binary well? If so, we can try to share the responsibility. In this case I'll try to submit newlisp into a Debian.
WBR, Dmi


Meanwhile I also was able to build a debian package on Ubuntu using the fantastic Checkinstall program Nigel recommended. Trying Dmity's script it could not find the command 'fakeroot'.

As things are so easy I will produce for each mayor release a Debian package made on the latest version on Ubuntu and with a standardized format for the descriptive fields. As Dmitry pointed out it should run on all other Debian system as they use the same libraries.

I would be glad if one of you or both could help to submit it to Ubuntu and Debian.



Hi Lutz and Dmi

I am happy to coordinate advocacy of newlisp for Ubuntu inclusion - I would see the steps as

1.get dpkg-buildpackage doing Ubuntu packages - checkinstall works well but may not be able to provide all the expected ubuntu details

2. put a newlisp section into the"> page (simultaneous with 1.)

3. liaise with/help any Ubuntu MOTU (defined at"> to complete inclusion into Ubuntu (this could lead me towards MOTU I expect)

If newlisp was also progressed toward debian inclusion and got into debian first then moving it across to Ubuntu would follow.

I'll look at dpkg-buildpackage and fakeroot on Ubuntu and report back (anyone else wanting to do that feel free to also try )



Thanks Nigel, this is the best approach



... also, very welcome to newLISP radix42/David



Quote from: "Dmi"
Does "dpkg-buildpackage" on my source package makes the Ubuntu binary well? If so, we can try to share the responsibility. In this case I'll try to submit newlisp into a Debian.

How do you use dpkg-buildpackage ? The man pages for it weren't enough for me. I've downloaded your source package and extracted it - where now? as I'm new to building a deb. (suggest where to find goods docs on doing it if explanation isn't appropriate here)

I tried the 9.0.16 etch binary deb on Ubuntu but it won't install as it wants readline >=5.2 while ubuntu 6.10 has 5.1-7 as standard.
