Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit

Started by jazper, May 09, 2012, 11:23:17 AM

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I couldn't get a good install of newLISP on Precise Pangolin 64 bit.  I can see newlisp and its files on /usr/bin/newlisp, but when trying newlisp-editI get  /usr/bin/newlisp - bad interpreter: No such file or directoryI assume one uses the 32 bit installer under Ubuntu 64 bit, right?


The UBUNTU distribution was made on 11.10 32-bit and installs and runs fine on 12.04 32-bit. Perhaps you have to compile for 64-bit.

Just untar the source distribution in your home directory and :

cd newlisp-10.4.3


sudo make install

If your system is 64-bit, it will automatically make for 64-bit. If the compile chokes on not finding ffi.h, you have to install the libffi dev files which contain the header files. The libffi.so itself comes already on the standard UBUNTU install.


Thanks.  I have just bought a new 64 bit system.  Will try the suggestion when I have some spare time.


Finally had time to try to build on 64-bit.  It did indeed choke on ffi.  

After installing libffi, it then choked on readline/readline.h.  

In the past, I have often installed libreadline5, but that didn't help, because it is no longer used.  I then followed some googled instructions about libreadline5-dev which only led me into deadly dependency hell: for example, I installed libc6:i386, then another package complained that it couldn't find that.  But installing again  only says it is the correct version, so it is installed.  Each time I installed the complained of missing dependencies, I got deeper and deeper dependency warnings.

At that point, I gave up.


I lied.  I did not give up :)

Working on the same basis as with libffi-dev to find a .h header file, I took a flying, lucky guess, and tried installing libreadline-dev.  That worked - then, both make and sudo make install proceeded without a hitch.  After that, the guiserver.jar file was not found.  Installing OpenJDK Java 7 runtime sorted that out.  After that, it only remained to change the Desktop setting to "Radiance" from "Ambience", which Lutz has written about before.  The latter makes the menus almost invisible.

So, all well, a bit of persistence paid off, and so far, so good.  All the demo files work ok (as experienced before, though, the midi demos report not finding a synth file, and then go right ahead and play the music anyway).

So, finally, I have what appears to be a working Ubuntu 64-bit installation of Newlisp.  I am one very happy man, and am now going to sleep like a concrete parachute.