Win32 API demo (true event loop)

Started by Cyril, June 10, 2010, 01:01:15 PM

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I've tried to write the "complete" Windows application in newLISP, just as a demo, or proof of concept. I mean, with an event loop and such. The hard part is, that newlisp.exe is already a console application, and you cannot establish an event loop in console window (in fact you can, but the results are hardly predicable). So the trick is to create another window and create an event loop there. So, the application that "does nothing" is 80 LOC. It can found be">here. It is basically a clone of a demo found">here, translated form C++ to newLISP. I believe it can be a useful learning tool (it was for me definitely!). Probably I should add more comments to the code.
With newLISP you can grow your lists from the right side!


Thanks for this well done intro to GUI programming on Windows. I have linked to it from here:">


Thanks Cyril! It took me many years before I finally understood how to make a 'real' win32 application. Hopefully this will help others understand quicker than I did ;)