Values and void

Started by hsmyers, July 10, 2009, 09:03:05 PM

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In CL and scheme empty version of values and void are used to indicate nothing is returned.

(define (f)
  (print 5)


(defun f ()
  (format #t "~d~%" 5)

Is there a newLISP equivalent? If not could there be?

\"Censeo Toto nos in Kansa esse decisse.\"—D. Gale \"[size=117]ℑ♥λ[/size]\"—Toto


Something is always returned, but there is 'silent' function to suppress the return value being sent to the console.


Of course. So could we have one--- pretty please?

\"Censeo Toto nos in Kansa esse decisse.\"—D. Gale \"[size=117]ℑ♥λ[/size]\"—Toto


use this one:"> ... tml#silent">


Ah! Bad me for not RTFM-ing!! 'silent' will do quite nicely. Thanks!

\"Censeo Toto nos in Kansa esse decisse.\"—D. Gale \"[size=117]ℑ♥λ[/size]\"—Toto


But don't forget that (silent) has a strange side-effect: it will ask to press enter key to "finalize" the output, if used in the console (I didn't check the most recent version, but older newLisp versions do that).

Try this:

> (silent (println "ok"))


After the output test "ok" there is an empty line: it is similar a (read-line).

m i c h a e l

I usually always end my silent expressions this way:

> (silent (println "ok?") (print ">  ")) ; notice the space after '>'
> _

silent is merely suppressing the prompt newlisp usually prints. Hitting enter on an empty line prints the prompt again (what you are experiencing). (print ">  ") at the end of a silent expression restores the normal prompt.

Or if you get tired of doing that every time, you could put this in your init.lsp file:

(set (global 'quiet) (fn ()
   (eval (cons silent (args)))
   (print "> ")

And use it like this:

> (quiet (println "ok"))
> _

This still won't fool readline, but it does the job.

m i c h a e l


wow, this is a news for me, since I didn't notice that, even if prompt is suppressed, it is ready to accept new commands! Thank you for this trick!!

m i c h a e l

You're welcome. Glad I could be of help.

m i c h a e l