open a file in a browser from a newLISP script

Started by cormullion, December 09, 2008, 09:29:23 AM

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I've written this for running on MacOS X:

(if (= ostype "OSX")
    (exec (string "open " file ".html")))

which displays the file.html file in the default web browser. Is there an equivalent form for Windows?


Quote from: "cormullion"I've written this for running on MacOS X:

(if (= ostype "OSX")
    (exec (string "open " file ".html")))

which displays the file.html file in the default web browser. Is there an equivalent form for Windows?

(set 'filename-with-path "c:/myhtmlfile.html")
(exec filename-with-path)

or more like your example
(set 'path "c:/" 'filename "myhtmlfile")
(exec (string path filename ".html"))

Beware of spaces in the filename; you'll need to wrap the string like this
(set 'path "c:/" 'filename {"my html file"})
(exec (string path filename ".html")) is better to first strive for clarity and correctness and to make programs efficient only if really needed.

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