
Started by tyler, June 25, 2008, 06:54:19 PM

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  <name>Evan Williams</name>
  <location>San Francisco, CA, US</location>
  <description>Co-founder and CPO of Twitter</description>
   <created_at>Wed Jun 25 20:49:44 +0000 2008</created_at>
   <text>Drinking an Odwalla "Mental Energy Juice Drink." So, um, watch out.</text>

Using (xml-parse) on the above XML, what would be the best way to extract a single TEXT from the ELEMENT "screen_name"? Suppose that a list of users was used in place of the above single user; how would you guys go about populating another list with only the screen names?

Thanks for the help.




Old programmers don\'t die. They just parse on...

http://artfulcode.net\">Artful code


Hi Tyler - Jeff's article is cool! If you want a quick solution now:

(xml-type-tags nil nil nil nil)
(set 'xml (xml-parse (read-file {/Users/me/Desktop/test.xml}) 15))
(map (fn (screen-name-ref) (last (xml  (chop screen-name-ref)))) (ref-all (xml 'screen_name)))

There's a much more basic introduction to XML than Jeff's article in my Introduction to newLISP... (Which needs updating, unfortunately :)

By the way, the XML that you posted doesn't work with this code. I wonder whether the 'in-reply-to' elements are correct...?


They are not.  They need to be <foo> for empty tags.


Old programmers don\'t die. They just parse on...

http://artfulcode.net\">Artful code


It's the XML returned by Twitter when making requests through their API. I've changed nothing; that is a cut 'n paste.


The forum has messed up the XML formatting! A quick google confirms that these are closed by matching tags, even when empty.