Load equalvalent?

Started by newdep, March 03, 2004, 11:12:31 AM

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Hello Lutz,

Is there an equalvalent of 'load inside newlisp that does 'load the script,

evaluates it, but does NOT run the script ?

So it will load the script into a list (evaluated and sorted) so this list can

then be used (de-listed and executed by i.e. the script that loaded it).

Currently i can only think of using 'read-file for this and then rebuilding it

into a list...but then it still suffers from "rn" and is not evaluated into (fn) or

(lambda) functions...

-- (define? (Cornflakes))


you could put this in a file:

;; file: myprog.lsp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

(set 'myprog '(print "hello world"))

;; eof ;;

Now do a:

(load "myprog.lsp")

myprog => (print "hello world")

(eval myprog) => "hello world" ; return value

hello world                              ; output from running myprog
