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Messages - nigelbrown

Whither newLISP? /
December 18, 2007, 09:20:57 PM
Hi Lutz,

Am I correct in thinking that as you hold copyright for newlisp you could license a non-GPL version (for some consideration if desired) to Fanda for use as he describes if you chose to?

as in

"I would like to release a program I wrote under the GNU GPL, but I would like to use the same code in non-free programs.

    To release a non-free program is always ethically tainted, but legally there is no obstacle to your doing this. If you are the copyright holder for the code, you can release it under various different non-exclusive licenses at various times"  at"> ... erGPLAndNF">


newLISP newS /
August 14, 2007, 01:26:13 AM
Hi Rickyboy

I'm quite happy to do some documentation for a module I couldn't code myself - let me know a module you'd like me to try my hand at for you.

Hi All

Just to let you know I've put in a plug for newlisp at the codingmonkeys forum that covers a range (of largely basic-like) languages:;topicseen"> ... ;topicseen">;topicseen

Anything else we might add? /
August 01, 2007, 04:05:30 PM
Nice list. Thanks for posting.

newLISP newS /
May 07, 2007, 05:15:28 AM
My son found hostgator"> fine for simple site on a shared server"> running Joomla. Can't comment on support for dedicated.

In newlisp-tk going to editor window and deleting symbol removes it from edit window list but is still in newlisp when editor is exited. Is that expected?

newLISP newS /
May 06, 2007, 05:32:33 PM
my-bind macro can bind lists whereas using flatten can't


> (define-macro (my-bind _x) (dolist (z (eval _x)) (apply set z)))

(lambda-macro (_x)

 (dolist (z (eval _x))

  (apply set z)))

> (my-bind '((x (+ 2 3))(y 7)))


> x

(+ 2 3)

> (bind '((x (+ 2 3))(y 7)))


> x

(+ 2 3)

> (define (mybind L) (apply set (flat L)))

(lambda (L) (apply set (flat L)))

> (mybind '((x (+ 2 3))(y 7)))

symbol expected in function set : 2

called from user defined function mybind


newLISP newS /
May 06, 2007, 02:50:39 PM
Hi Lutz

Is bind the same as this macro?

> (define-macro (my-bind _x) (dolist (z (eval _x)) (apply set z)))

(lambda-macro (_x)

 (dolist (z (eval _x))

  (apply set z)))

> (my-bind '((x 1)(y 2)))


> x


> y



Anything else we might add? /
May 05, 2007, 02:14:23 PM
Perhaps a new system function (profile [exp]) which is like trace but

1) traces all functions or maybe just user functions

2) doesn't pause for  "s|tep n|ext c|ont q|uit >" but just writes trace info with system time attached and then automatically does step

3) with [exp] serving the same purpose as in trace

or maybe just give trace this behavior as an option?

Thoughts Lutz?


newLISP and the O.S. /
May 05, 2007, 01:50:58 PM
Newlisp deb installs fine on  Ubuntu 7.04 - the Feisty Fawn (upgraded to 7.04 by update-manager). However when first running newlisp-tk the font used (fixed size 14) looks a bit thready (see"> ... v.1.37.png"> ). It looks better at different size (almost anything but 14) or different fixed font. Just a little aesthetic point but it makes newlisp-tk not look as good as it could - maybe a font other than fixed 14 could be specified for newlisp-tk console? I.e. in newlisp-tk change

set Ide(fontName)           "fixed"

set Ide(fontSize)           14

I don't know how the font looks on other systems so fixed 14 may be the best all round even if it's a bit poor on Ubuntu.


(just changed to Courier  15 and saved config file (Save Settings) for my use)
Anything else we might add? /
May 04, 2007, 03:18:45 PM
Perhaps a function timing would show the slow point?

These links suggest approaches

Modify function defs to collect timing data when called :">

Interrupt program and record what function it is in :"> ... lp/profile">  and"> ... filing.htm">

Maybe this could be done in newlisp using the (timer ) function if there was a way of checking what function has been interrupted?

newLISP and the O.S. /
February 21, 2007, 03:06:32 AM
Hi Lutz
Quote from: "Lutz"Thanks Dmitry, the package installs with a libc 6.0 warning message on UBUNTU 6.06 when using dpkg but the installed files look fine and newLISP runs.

On my Ubuntu 6.06 install as updated by 21Feb updates I install the deb using gdebi with no warnings at all.

Quote from: "Lutz"Also to Nigel: on my UBUNTU 6.06 no installation suggestion comes up when using Firefox, this seems to be an advanced 6.10 feature targeted for UBUNTU 7.0. Lets hope it will work on future UBUNTU stable distributions, because it certainly is a nice feature.


I still get the offer to install in 6.06 (updated as above) using firefox 1.5. Click on the deb gives offer to open with gdebi and when this is accepted the file downloads and gdebi offers to install it. Accepting offer has gdebi install with no libc warning.

Maybe you need to update your 6.06 using update manager? Do you have gdebi?

In summary newlisp installs fine on both my 6.06 and 6.10 systems.

newLISP and the O.S. /
February 20, 2007, 05:39:30 AM
My reading of Ubuntu packaging list was that if something is debian accepted then it can be included in Ubuntu by submitting 'bug report' that it's not in Ubuntu but in debian. This is possibily best way to Ubuntu

newLISP newS /
February 20, 2007, 03:21:24 AM
Both deb packages install on my Ubuntu 6.10 (updated to 20Feb updates) using gdebi without any warning messages and newlisp and newlisp-tk run fine and open help docs fine.

Thanks Lutz


PS as another option in install.txt - in firefox you click on the deb on the download page - it will offer to install it - when downloaded it will automatically open with gdebi installer and clicking install button does it - very easy. Then run in terminal as described.
Anything else we might add? /
February 09, 2007, 06:40:47 AM
Quote from: "ax0n" however, remnants of the files related to the encryption can create a vulnerability if recovered from media.

Perhaps you could use newlisp to generate a few thousand decoy files ( a few hundred megs total to flood disk cache) then delete them so that the deleted remnants are buried in the deleted dross. A bit like "Chaffing and Winnowing: Confidentiality without Encryption""> .
