I'm building a simple web application in newlisp using the Dragonfly framework, which I really like using. However I can't seem to delete cookies using the (Response:cookie) command.
I can set the cookie easily using this code:
Code Select
(Response:cookie "monarch" username (date-value 2011 12 12) "/") ; open a cookie to say we are signed in
That makes a cookie and I can check for the presence of the cookie by searching for it in ($COOKIES), and even by searching cookies in my web browser. It's definitely there. The problem is that I can never get rid of it!
According to the Dragonfly reference manual, the way to get rid of the cookie is to reference it and assign it a value of "nil":
Code Select
(Response:cookie "monarch" nil) ; delete cookie
But this doesn't work! The cookie is there forever (well, until it expires in 2011). How can I get rid of it?
I'm using newLISP 10.2.8 and Dragonfly 0.70 on Apache on Linux.