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Messages - nigelbrown

newLISP newS /
January 22, 2007, 01:01:45 PM
When I was trying to use the board 8 hr prior to this post Firefox seemed to be being served the the php files to download rather than them being run.

All operating normally now.

newLISP and the O.S. /
January 22, 2007, 04:42:13 AM
Quote from: "Dmi"
Does "dpkg-buildpackage" on my source package makes the Ubuntu binary well? If so, we can try to share the responsibility. In this case I'll try to submit newlisp into a Debian.

How do you use dpkg-buildpackage ? The man pages for it weren't enough for me. I've downloaded your source package and extracted it - where now? as I'm new to building a deb. (suggest where to find goods docs on doing it if explanation isn't appropriate here)

I tried the 9.0.16 etch binary deb on Ubuntu but it won't install as it wants readline >=5.2 while ubuntu 6.10 has 5.1-7 as standard.

newLISP and the O.S. /
January 08, 2007, 06:06:33 AM
Hi Lutz and Dmi

I am happy to coordinate advocacy of newlisp for Ubuntu inclusion - I would see the steps as

1.get dpkg-buildpackage doing Ubuntu packages - checkinstall works well but may not be able to provide all the expected ubuntu details

2. put a newlisp section into the"> page (simultaneous with 1.)

3. liaise with/help any Ubuntu MOTU (defined at"> to complete inclusion into Ubuntu (this could lead me towards MOTU I expect)

If newlisp was also progressed toward debian inclusion and got into debian first then moving it across to Ubuntu would follow.

I'll look at dpkg-buildpackage and fakeroot on Ubuntu and report back (anyone else wanting to do that feel free to also try )

newLISP and the O.S. /
January 05, 2007, 10:31:33 PM
I would like to help to get newlisp into Ubuntu and as a first try on Ubuntu made a .deb with checkinstall run on Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Desktop ( .deb is linked to on this page"> ).

I looked at the process for package inclusion in Ubuntu discussed here"> . From what is said here"> if a package is alredy in Debian then is could be requested across into Ubuntu with a bug report. So the question is should the aim be for Ubuntu or into Debian first? Dmi - what do you think? If Ubuntu is the primary target then listing newlisp with supporting reasons for inclusion on"> appears the first step.

I'll be running Ubuntu 6.06 LTS and latest stable (eg 6.10 currently) Desktops on Intel 32bit platforms so I can test or build. To approach Member status for a developer requires a significant involvement (2 months+ of demonstrated contributions) which is beyond me at this time so advocacy of newlisp to Ubuntu packagers with offer of as much help to them as possible from the newlisp community seems to be the way to go.

Anything else we might add? /
January 01, 2007, 03:56:31 AM
My son has run linux on his ds-lite with 4Mb ram. He uses a Supercard to load it. It runs well and moonshell plays videos no problem. Seems stable.

newLISP newS /
November 05, 2006, 08:23:15 PM
I'd completely forgotten dispose.

You can see from my contribution re test above I like using (args)

newLISP newS /
November 05, 2006, 04:31:47 PM
For an unspecified number of arguments:

(define-macro (test )

  (let ((s (map (lambda (x) (list (sym x) (eval x))) (args))))

   (append s (list (list 'sum (apply '+ (map (lambda (x) (x 1)) s)))))))

Line 2 gathers the arguments into an assoc list

Line 3 sums the second elements and sticks it on the end

the local variable s is used so arguments are only evaluated once


> (setq a 1)


> (setq b 2)


> (setq c 3)


> (test a b c)

((a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (sum 6))



PS to keep the original intent of strings in the list use name:

(define-macro (test )

  (let ((s (map (lambda (x) (list (name x) (eval x))) (args))))

   (append s (list (list "sum" (apply '+ (map (lambda (x) (x 1)) s)))))))


> (test a b c)

(("a" 1) ("b" 2) ("c" 3) ("sum" 6))

Anything else we might add? /
August 23, 2006, 06:32:40 PM
One area of optimisation with NewLisp to watch is the list copying done as part of memory management - the approach works well if you are avoiding pauses from GC  but you may need to look for places you could use destructive list operations (a bit un-lispy I accept) to avoid copying overhead.

If you find a good matrix library that NewLisp could call for some bulk processing of genetic algorithm steps let us know.

Anything else we might add? /
August 20, 2006, 06:21:32 PM
VIM - Linux and Win
newLISP newS /
August 08, 2006, 04:30:02 PM
The Manual 8.9.3 section on format doesn't display some text properly in IExplorer 6.0 (WinXP). It gives tiny text. It seems to be choking on the 'plus1'

Firefox 1.5 handles it OK

problem area is

a href="#string">string</a>

can be used to insure correct data types and avoid error messages.</p>

<p>The format string has the following general format:</p>

<span class='plus1'>""</span>

<p>The percent <tt>%</tt> sign starts a format specification. To display a

percent sign <tt>%</tt> inside a format string double it: <tt>%%</tt></p>

<span class="plus1">w</span>

<p>Width of field. Data is right aligned, else whe...

I don't know anything about span class to suggest a fix. Trying "plus1" and plus1 (no quotes) doesn't help.

Anything else we might add? /
March 26, 2006, 08:42:27 PM

I had my lsp file in a path with spaces (using winXP) so when I tried to run I think the spaces interrupted the file path as passed by:

" Execute current newLisp file - command: Run

function! NewlispRun()

   !newlisp %


command! -complete=function Run :call NewlispRun()

newLISP Graphics & Sound /
March 07, 2006, 07:44:08 PM
I see this link may be about a somewhat similar problem (judging by similar error messages)"> ... tk/2945513">

I see scrolling is mentioned in errors.

Is something causing scrolling of newlisp-tk window while it's trying to set up?

Perhaps a character set or default font size issue. Less likely but maybe worth considering is 32/64 bit issue (but I run newlisp fine with standard winXP on 64 bit capable pentium) - is it a 64 bit winXP?. What CPU and char set are you running with? What is Windows locale? Screen resolution/color depth setting?

newLISP Graphics & Sound /
March 06, 2006, 05:34:15 PM
Still on newlisp-tk - perhaps

1) another install of tk/tcl is getting in the way?

2) check contents of config file. Newlisp-tk manual says:

"The file newlisp-tk.config can be found in the startup directory of newlisp-tk.exe. If no newlisp-tk.config is found, newLISP-tk will start using default values for all configuration parameters. A newlisp-tk.config file can be generated by selecting Options/Save Settings from the main console menu.

Two different ports are used for TCLTKport and newLISPport but newLISPhost and TCLTKhost should have the same IP address, normally, when running the GUI front-end and the newlisp executable on the same computer. After an unsuccessful startup use the Windows Task Manager to make sure that none of the processes newlisp-tk.exe and newlisp.exe has been left running. After a failed start attempt remove those processes and start over again executing newlisp-tk.exe.


Regarding another IDE I've used Vim with bracket matching and lisp syntax highlighting to edit newlisp files, save them (you can leave vim open on the file, it doesn't lock it), then run newlisp in a console window for testing - not very integrated I'll grant but usable. I used it to test running newlisp instances on an openmosix setup where having a link to newlisp-tk didn't make sense anyway. I've not tried setting up for running newlisp as a tool from vim but maybe a better Vim'er could help you there.


PS <edit>

Openmosix testing was under linux but the using vim that way also works in windows.

for your reference

My newlisp-tk.config is:

# newlisp-tk.config - newLISP Tcl/Tk configuration file


# This file is generated by menu "Options/Save settings"


set Ide(HelpProgram) "$env(PROGRAMFILES)/Internet Explorer/IEXPLORE.EXE"

set Ide(TCLTKhost) ""

set Ide(TCLTKport) "64002"

set Ide(WinPosX) "183"

set Ide(WinPosY) "120"

set Ide(consoleBackground) "white"

set Ide(consoleForeground) "navy"

set Ide(consoleHeight) "30"

set Ide(consoleWidth) "80"

set Ide(debuggerBackground) "white"

set Ide(debuggerForeground) "navy"

set Ide(debuggerHeight) "24"

set Ide(debuggerWidth) "65"

set Ide(editorBackground) "white"

set Ide(editorForeground) "navy"

set Ide(editorHeight) "30"

set Ide(editorWidth) "65"

set Ide(fontName) "Fixedsys"

set Ide(fontSize) "10"

set Ide(imageDir) "/freewrap/images"

set Ide(initCommand) ""

set Ide(lispFileExtension) ".lsp"

set Ide(maxHistory) "50"

set Ide(newLISPapp) ""

set Ide(newLISPhost) ""

set Ide(newLISPport) "64001"

set Ide(platform) "windows"

set Ide(HelpTopic-tk) {C:Program Filesnewlispnewlisp-tk.html}
newLISP Graphics & Sound /
March 06, 2006, 12:57:58 PM

1.Check that newlisp itself can be started from the commandline

eg open console box, cd to directory, newlisp.exe and check it starts.

2.check no newlisp is already running before newlisp-tk is started

I'll try to think about how to check sockets.

Anything else we might add? /
March 06, 2006, 12:05:08 PM
Yes, it is clearer to specifiy it finds only the first.

It may also be worth specifying the search is depth-first


> (ref 'b '(a b (b c) b))


> (ref 'b '(a (b c) b))

(1 0)

