Dealing with binary data...

Started by statik, January 31, 2006, 05:33:39 PM

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I can do the following in perl:

$ perl -e 'print "xcan"'

And as you can see the xca result is the Ê character. If I wanted to duplicate this very thing in newlisp, how would I do it?


Try this:

~> perl -e 'print "xcan"'
~> newlisp -e '(println (char 0xCA))'
~> newlisp -e '(println "202")'

This would be the equivalent to the Perl code, what you see is largely dependent how you platform/terminal is configured. The above I did on a MacOS X PowerBook. I guess you did your example on MS-Windows with code page 859 with displayable characters in upper-ASCII.



Nah, I actually did this on OBSD. But regardless, your solution was perfect. Thanks :)