Euphoria - LISPlike language

Started by Jeremy Dunn, August 07, 2005, 04:15:21 PM

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Jeremy Dunn

There is a scripting language called Euphoria that you can check out at">

This language borrows principles from LISP extensively, calling what are basically lists sequences instead. It seems kind of halfway between LISP and VB. It claims to be 30 times faster than Python. You can create exe's and dlls with it. You can't have functions with a variable number of arguments unless you pass them as a sequence. Rather interesting.


Sequences and operations over them are LISP like. Otherwise syntax looks like Pascal/C (VB?).


PS: Some algorithms in Demo are interesting. For example Dos32stereo which draws "Random Dot Stereo Pictures" - 3D picture in 2D chaos ;-)