query: internet required for newLISP?

Started by kazemori, August 22, 2003, 12:17:49 AM

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On the subject of editors. If you like to work often with the raw newLISP, without the TK frontend (I do this a lot), you might try this little macro from the init.lsp file:

(define-macro (edit _func)

   (save (string _func) _func)

   (! (string "/usr/bin/vi " _func))

   (load (string _func)))

On the comandline in newLISP you just do:

(edit foo)

And vi pops up with the definition of foo ready to edit. Then you just save and quit, and you are back in newLISP. It's like the poor man's IDE and useful if you like todo interactive development function by function. When everything is done do a (save "myprog") and edit the file myprog beautifying, commenting it etc..



thank you eddie! ...and thank you lutz!

so much to do...
