Find single number

Started by cameyo, August 11, 2020, 01:52:12 AM

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Given a list of positive integers each number appears twice except one number. Find the single number.

Note: The function has to traverse the list only once (O(n)).


HI Cameyo,

I would do something like this, using a hash table:

(define (find-number lst)
(define Myhash:Myhash)  ; hash table creation, O(1) lookup time
(set ' total 0)
(dolist (n lst)
(if (Myhash n)
(dec total n)    ; decrease when already added before
(Myhash n true)
(inc total n))))  ; if not in hash table increase
(delete 'Myhash)  ; first to delete contents and namespace
(delete 'Myhash)  ; second to delete symbol

(find-number '(1 2 3 4 5 3 2 1 5))

-> 4


Hi fdb,

thanks for your solution (hash table is nice).

There is a faster method using a boolean operator...

I'll post my solution in the next days.



My solution using XOR:
(define (find-number lst) (apply ^ lst))
(find-number '(1 3 1 2 3 4 5 2 4))
;-> 5


Very nice! An instruction I've  never used in practice.