Is true symbol?

Started by Kazimir Majorinc, June 24, 2014, 10:34:12 PM

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Kazimir Majorinc

> (symbol? 'true)


> (symbol? (eval 'true))


> (= 'true (eval 'true))


Is it bug or feature? I'd expect that true is always symbol.\">WWW site;\">blog.


True is a symbol. (eval 'true) is a expression. Since symbols are also expressions,so the = return true. I feel make sense.


In newLISP the writing for the symbols true and nil and the boolean values true and nil is the same. Because of this, the symbols should also equal their boolean values:

> (set 'lst (list true 'true nil 'nil))
(true true nil nil) ; symbols and boolean values are indistinguishable to the eye

> (map symbol? lst)
(nil true nil true) ; lst contains both, boolean values and symbols

> (map nil? lst)
(nil nil true true) ; both equal the same boolean value

> (map true? lst)
(true true nil nil) ; both equal the same boolean value


At least you can't do this (by default).

> (let (true nil) true)

ERR: symbol is protected in function let : true
> (let (true 'maybe) true)

ERR: symbol is protected in function let : true


Hello, Kazimir!  Good to hear from you again.
(λx. x x) (λx. x x)


Here are the ways two other languages treat this issue.

In Common Lisp, apparently T and NIL are also symbols.

$ /opt/ccl/wx86cl64.exe
Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.9-r15765  (WindowsX8664)!
? (symbolp t)
? (symbolp 't)
? (symbolp nil)
? (symbolp 'nil)

Not so, in this implementation of Scheme.

$ /opt/Racket/mzscheme
Welcome to Racket v5.3.5.
> (symbol? #t)
> (symbol? '#t)
> (boolean? #t)
> (boolean? '#t)
> (boolean? #f)

Apparently, in Scheme, both #t and #f belong to a type (informal?) called boolean and they are NOT symbols (i.e. do not belong to the symbol type), although they sort of look like self-evaluating symbols.  Interesting.

In newLISP, true and nil are self-evaluating, but they are not symbols.  At least they are not symbols strictly speaking (cf. Lutz's example true versus 'true, where the latter is a symbol).  This situation is more in line with the Scheme design choice, except where its boolean value #t is not a symbol when quoted, but newLISP's true is.  Again, interesting.
(λx. x x) (λx. x x)