Alternative regex solution?

Started by reinier maliepaard, July 26, 2013, 03:21:55 AM

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reinier maliepaard


The following code adds to one or more apostroph's a backslash only when the (first) apostroph is preceded by a lowercase letter. My two-step-solution works, but I -newLisp newbie- have doubts on it. Does someone has a better idea? Thanks in advance.




(setq mcString "C''' g''''' c' A''")

;first step

(replace "([a-g])([']+)" mcString (append $1 "\" $2) 0)

;second step

(while (find "\''" mcString)

(replace "\''" mcString "\'\'")


;result is ok:  C''' g''''' c' A''

(println "result:   " mcString)
