Executables and Dynamic Linking

Started by iamnotanumber10, August 21, 2012, 02:34:05 AM

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Hi, I'm following a tutorial http://www.newlisp.org/newLISP_in_21_minutes.html">http://www.newlisp.org/newLISP_in_21_minutes.html and came to this part...

Executables and Dynamic Linking. I created hw.lsp and launched it from the command line successfully.
Quoteasdf@asdf:~$ newlisp hw.lsp

Hello World!

I tried to reproduce the executable example in the tutorial though and got the following...
Quoteasdf@asdf:~$ newlisp

newLISP v.10.4.3 on Linux IPv4/6 UTF-8 libffi, execute 'newlisp -h' for more info.

> (link "newlisp" "hw" "hw.lsp")

ERR: invalid function : (link "newlisp" "hw" "hw.lsp")

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 32bit. Any ideas why the function is invalid?


Can you try using the full pathname of the newLISP executable, eg /usr/bin/newlisp


Use the link procedure only on Windows. On Unix this procedure will not work when the newlisp executable is not in the current directory.

On Unix use script files with "#!/usr/bin/newlisp" in "#!/usr/bin/env newlisp" in the first line.

But when looking at your example, it looks as if you don't have loaded the file link.lsp which contains the link function.



Whoops, it looks like I forgot to call link.lsp, but I still must be doing something wrong...
Quoteasdf@asdf:~$ newlisp link.lsp

newLISP v.10.4.3 on Linux IPv4/6 UTF-8 libffi, execute 'newlisp -h' for more info.

> (link "newlisp" "hw" "hw.lsp")

ERR: invalid function : (link "newlisp" "hw" "hw.lsp")

Updated hw.lsp file...

;  hw.lsp

(println "Hello World!")




Ok Folks, I've cracked it!

Quote> (load "/usr/share/newlisp/util/link.lsp")

(lambda (orgExe newExeName lispSourceName) (println "original newlisp executable:"


 (println "new executable:" newExeName)

 (println "source:" lispSourceName)

 (set 'size (first (file-info orgExe)))

 (copy-file orgExe newExeName)

 (set 'buff (pack "ld" size))

 (set 'handle (open newExeName "u"))

 (search handle "@@@@@@@@")

 (write-buffer handle buff 4)

 (set 'buff (read-file lispSourceName))

 (set 'keylen (pack "ld" (length buff)))

 (write-buffer handle keylen 4)

 (seek handle size)

 (set 'buff (encrypt buff (string (length buff))))

 (write-buffer handle buff (length buff))

 (close handle))

Quote> (link "/usr/bin/newlisp" "hw" "hw.lsp")

original newlisp executable:/usr/bin/newlisp

new executable:hw

