
Started by electrifiedspam, November 13, 2010, 08:08:31 PM

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Could anyone post something or point me to an example where this is in use?

I am trying to make a simple snake game and I can do all of it except tell when a certain key is pressed.

Thank you in advance for your help.



Try here">


unfortunately worm.lsp is broken in versions 10.0 and after but the following works:">

with added UP/DOWN for speed change.


Thank you all. I have made it this far.

Those examples helped my understand what was going on.

Thank you again.



(set 'up 38)

(set 'down 40)

(set 'left 37)

(set 'right 39)

(set 'delay 20000)

(set-locale "C")

(load (append (env "NEWLISPDIR") "/guiserver.lsp"))


(define (key-action id type code modifiers) (set 'KEY code) (println "key: " KEY))

;;Define the Gui

(gs:frame 'snakeGame 100 100 600 600 "New Snake Game")

(gs:canvas 'C)

(gs:set-background 'C gs:white)

(gs:fill-rect 'r 280 280 10 10 gs:red)

(gs:key-event 'C 'key-action)

(gs:add-to 'snakeGame 'C)

(gs:set-visible 'snakeGame true)

(while (gs:check-event delay)

;;required for key event

(gs:request-focus 'C)

;;Move Red Square

(cond ((= KEY up) (gs:move-tag 'r 0 -5) (set 'KEY 0))

        ((= KEY down) (gs:move-tag 'r 0 5 ) (set 'KEY 0))

        ((= KEY right) (gs:move-tag 'r 5 0) (set 'KEY 0))

        ((= KEY left) (gs:move-tag 'r -5 0) (set 'KEY 0))





it works on my computer too! :)


Is there a way in GS to get the color of a point on the canvas?

I was just going to check the colors in front of the head of the snake to know if there has been a collision.

Thank you.



I don't think you can read pixels from a canvas (or write to them either). You'd probably have to keep a record of which areas have been painted so that you can test against them later.


Well, this is as far as I have gotten so far.


1) Snake does not detect when it has hit itself.

2) 'Apples' can instantiate on the snake causing an effective end to game play.

I just thought that you all would like to see how far I have come with your help.

Thank you



(set 'up 38)

(set 'down 40)

(set 'left 37)

(set 'right 39)

(set 'delay 60000)

(set 'x 280 'y 280)

(set 'xBound 570 'yBound 550)

(set 'SNAKE (list (list x y)))

(set 'applState false)

(set 'SCORE 0)

(set-locale "C")

(load (append (env "NEWLISPDIR") "/guiserver.lsp"))


(define (key-action id type code modifiers) (set 'DIRECTION (if (= code up) "UP" (= code down) "DOWN" (= code right) "RIGHT" (= code left) "LEFT")))

(define (apple) (set 'xCord (* 10 (rand 50)) 'yCord (* 10 (rand 50)))(gs:fill-rect 'a xCord yCord 10 10 gs:red) (setq applState true) (obstruction xCord yCord))

(define (obstruction xapp yapp) (set 'APPPOS (list (list xapp yapp))))

(define (tail xPos yPos) (gs:fill-rect 'r xpos ypos 5 5 gs:white))

(define (snake CORD)

            (setq SNAKE (append CORD SNAKE)))

;;Define the Gui

(gs:frame 'snakeGame 100 100 600 600 "New Snake Game")

(gs:canvas 'C)

(gs:set-background 'C gs:white)

(gs:fill-rect 'r x y 10 10 gs:green)

(println SNAKE)

(gs:key-event 'C 'key-action)

(gs:add-to 'snakeGame 'C)

(gs:set-visible 'snakeGame true)

(while (gs:check-event delay)

;;required for key event

(gs:request-focus 'C)

;;Move Red Square

(cond ((= DIRECTION "UP") (setq y (- y 10)) (snake (list (list x y))

(gs:fill-rect 'r x y 10 10 gs:green)))

        ((= DIRECTION "DOWN") (setq y (+ y 10)) (snake (list (list x y))

(gs:fill-rect 'r x y 10 10 gs:green)))

        ((= DIRECTION "RIGHT") (setq x (+ x 10)) (snake (list (list x y))

(gs:fill-rect 'r x y 10 10  gs:green)))

        ((= DIRECTION "LEFT") (setq x (- x 10)) (snake (list (list x y))

(gs:fill-rect 'r x y 10 10  gs:green)))


;;check border

(cond ((>= (first (first SNAKE)) 575) (setq DIRECTION "UP"))

         ((>= (last (first SNAKE)) 555) (setq DIRECTION "RIGHT"))

         ((= (first (first SNAKE)) 0) (setq DIRECTION "DOWN"))

         ((= (last (first SNAKE)) 0) (setq DIRECTION "LEFT"))


;;draw new apple

(if (= applState false) (apple))

;;colission detection


   ((= (first SNAKE) (first APPPOS)) (set 'applState false 'SCORE (inc SCORE))(println SCORE))


(if (index (fn (X) (= (first SNAKE) x)) (rest SNAKE)) (exit))

;;erase end of tail

(if (and (= applState true) (> (length SNAKE) 1)) ((gs:fill-rect 'r (first (last SNAKE)) (last (last SNAKE)) 10 10  gs:white) (setq SNAKE (chop SNAKE))))




I have found a fix for the aforementioned problems.

I won't post the code again until I have some major revisions.

Thank you for your help



Each time you call gs:fill-rect a new rectangle object is created in Guiserver and eventually you will run out of memory, if you play long enough ;-)

You animate by using gs:xxx-tag operations on shapes created with gs:fill-yyy or gs:draw-yyy. You could do a gs:delete-tag on the old tail piece, just painting it white will not delete it.