newLISP-GS IDE has 'ERR: no working directory found' (VISTA)

Started by biffsnot, December 11, 2009, 09:46:08 PM

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Hello all.

This may be something stupid - who knows.  When I open newLISP IDE I see 'ERR: no working directory found' at the bottom, and no program will show any output - though I do believe they run.  I know you pass the working directory to newLISP itself - but I cant seem to figure this IDE thing out.

EDIT: Programs WILL run through the command line with no issue - only the IDE itself seems problematic.

Thanks in advance.

Vista 64bit with recently updated Java.


I am new to LISP in general, but I think I found a very simple thing that was botching IDE up, not running newlisp at the bottom of the window like it should.  Kept telling me no working directory found.  So I tried installing it on my iMac - and it worked without a hitch.  So I opened newlisp-edit.lsp and saw:
(define (start-newlisp-shell)
(if (= ostype "Win32")
(gs:run-shell 'OutputArea
(string newlispDir "/newlisp.exe " currentExtension " -C -w "" $HOME """))
(gs:run-shell 'OutputArea
(string "/usr/bin/newlisp " currentExtension " -C -w " $HOME))

When I changed the outputarea slashes by $HOME to (string newlispDir "/newlisp.exe " currentExtension " -C -w /"" $HOME "/"")) the problem went away.  I can now run programs in the IDE and the working directory stuff went away.

I am not sure if this is a Vista issue, or a windows issue in general, but it may affect others besides me.

Anyway I am looking forward to learning newLISP as it seems the best option for modern application programming  (meaning windowing, graphics, and such since most of the free LISP compilers out there really do console only apps) with a LISP dialect under the thousand dollar range :)



Quote from: "biffsnot"(string newlispDir "/newlisp.exe " currentExtension " -C -w /"" $HOME "/""))

That is very odd. The characters in red are the strings:

(string newlispDir "/newlisp.exe " currentExtension " -C -w /"" $HOME "/"")

So $HOME is not being evaluated, but that '/' is, producing a string such as this]newlispDir[/color]/newlisp.exe currentExtension -C -W / $HOME / <40E1C7>

Quote from: "biffsnot"Anyway I am looking forward to learning newLISP as it seems the best option for modern application programming  (meaning windowing, graphics, and such since most of the free LISP compilers out there really do console only apps) with a LISP dialect under the thousand dollar range ]

Welcome to the party!


Quote from: "m35"
Quote from: "biffsnot"(string newlispDir "/newlisp.exe " currentExtension " -C -w /"" $HOME "/""))

That is very odd. The characters in red are the strings:

(string newlispDir "/newlisp.exe " currentExtension " -C -w /"" $HOME "/"")

So $HOME is not being evaluated, but that '/' is, producing a string such as this]newlispDir[/color]/newlisp.exe currentExtension -C -W / $HOME / <40E1C7>

Yeah thats what I sort of figured.  LISP syntax is still a bit foreign to me but I had noticed the quotes positions as I do have experience with other languages.  The only change I made was those slashes and it works like a charm though so until I dig a bit deeper into the language I guess I will just be happy it works and runs like a champ lol ]Anyway I am looking forward to learning newLISP as it seems the best option for modern application programming  (meaning windowing, graphics, and such since most of the free LISP compilers out there really do console only apps) with a LISP dialect under the thousand dollar range :)[/quote]

QuoteWelcome to the party!

Thank you - I really seem to feel the depth and power looking at some of this demo code.  I checked out a quick Brainf**k (an esoteric language) interpreter someone whipped up and tons of conditionals and case-style statements were just streamlined into so damn few actual statements.  It was a bit amazing.  Nice to see a powerful older language being presented in a way that would bring people to it for use in modern applications.


Thank you very much! I just realized, that I can open newlisp-edit.lsp and add there regexp search, parameters save, higher search fields and other functions I miss so!