module contributions/repository

Started by mtvee, November 05, 2009, 08:33:14 AM

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Hi folks. I have been using newLisp for more and more projects and am starting to end up with some reusable modules that may be of interest to this community. So I have been doing some fishing about the forums trying to sort out the best way to contribute modules to the project. I see Jeff has ArtfulCode and a google code repo going and found some reference to and some others that seems to be people's own repos. Folks seem to have their own things going but nothings jumps out as "official" however. Of course I could have missed something right in front of my face. IT happens ;)

So I was wondering if someone might summarize the state of things in that regard, what the best path might be to contribute and get modules out there. I have no trouble putting them on github or googlecode or something either and making it known. Just wondering what works best. cheers!


The module section here:">

has the ability to point to indexes and modules resident on external sites.

For example Index:EnFeautec, Index:ArtfulCode and Index:unbalanced-parentheses on that page all point to external sites.

So whatever you do (selfhosting, githup, google.code) use the "newlispdoc" utility and publish a link which can be put on the modules page on If we keep on doing this, we have a centralized index, but need not depend on having all the sources in one place.

If you don't like newLISPdoc's formatting, you can change newlispdoc.css, which is used if present by the newlispdoc utility.

See also:">


I guess there could be some clever method to host with github or google-code and still use newlispdoc or at least generate some kind of index, which can be pointed to from the central page at">


Thanks Lutz. It seemed things were configuring themselves that way but I thought I would check in case other movements were afoot. Make sense.

Congrats on newLisp too btw. it's a great bit of work, a lot of fun to code with!  cheers! :)


There have been others thinking about a code repository (search this forum) but so far we're being pragmatic with this cool 'distributed' approach... :) There are few enough libraries and shared modules for newLISP that the current method has advantages - a single set of links maintained by someone who isn't going away (:-), referring to pages where individuals can maintain their own files in their own way. No administration, site setup, user accounts, all that stuff, and no problem with spam either (which was the downfall of the wiki).

Perhaps when there are more contributions there will be better reasons to think about a central library?