development release newLISP v.10.0.3

Started by Lutz, March 25, 2009, 04:16:22 AM

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• 'swap' now exchanges any two places

• bug fixes

Files and changes notes:">


Hi Lutz,

Is it perhaps an option to also install the /doc directory from the tgz

package into the /usr/share/newlisp directory?

Thats has a big advantage for seeking the current doc version with

the installed version.. I always have to move my bookmarks to the

new release..instead of having a steading one pointing to /usr/share/newlisp/doc

PS: thanks for the 10.0.3 release!
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


Wow.. Im stupid ;-)

I never thought is was installed in /usr/share/doc/newlisp ..
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


But just for the clarification..

release 10003 means 10.0.03  or 10.00.3 ?
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


It means: 10.0.03 or 10.0.3. The middle number only goes from 0 to 9, but the last from 0 to 99.


Any significant bug fixes...?  It'd be nice to know what to watch out for with previous versions.
Get your Objective newLISP groove on.



    Expanded 3rd syntax in 'swap' (swap <place> <place>) The first two old

    call patterns are deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

    Eliminated a stacksize dependence when using 'find' with 'match'


    IBM AIX for PPC has been added as a platform and using the IBM xlc_r or gcc

    compiler. Some issues with newLISP server mode are not resolved yet.

    Fixed a memory mapping problem surfacing on IBM AIX 32-bit compiles

    Better handling of status in HTTP headers sent back from server

    'nil' and 'true' confused 'sort' and 'unique', fixed.
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


Thanks newdep! Sorry, I forgot to check the CHANGES.txt file in the dev directory. :-
Get your Objective newLISP groove on.


Hi Lutz,

some questions about the SHA1.txt files

1) The SHA1.txt files on your download pages, are those correct?

    Or are the files updated afterwards?

2) Will you always maintain the SHA1.txt file in the dowload section?

If yes ill include the sha1 check in my update script..

-- (define? (Cornflakes))


The SHA1 files are made on the server after I uploaded the files, and I have a copy of them outside of the ISP. There will always be a SHA1 file in the download and download/development section.


Aha oke.. Well My sha check is different then the ones you display ;-)

Thats why my question was..

PS: Could you simplify the SHA1.txt content?

file sha1

file2 sha1

file3 sha1

instead of (file)= sha

Just a request but can live with the current way you display it ;-)
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


I am using the 'openssl' utility installed on FreeBSD of my ISP, and also installed on my Mac OS X home machine. The way you see it, is the way it comes out. This is what I do:

openssl sha1 *.tgz *.deb *.exe *.dmg > SHA1.txt

I just checked, and they are still the same :-)


yes correct... But crypto.lsp thinks differently ;-)

Have a coffee first ;-)

$ openssl sha1 /tmp/newlisp-10.0.3.tgz              

SHA1(/tmp/newlisp-10.0.3.tgz)= 73ccc454cd6be078d055af8954dca19d570f769e

$ newlisp                                      

newLISP v.10.0.3 on Linux IPv4, execute 'newlisp -h' for more info.

(MAIN)-> (load (append (env "NEWLISPDIR") "/modules/crypto.lsp"))

(MAIN)-> (crypto:sha1 "/tmp/newlisp-10.0.3.tgz")

-- (define? (Cornflakes))



Ill have a coffee first ;-)

Its OKE !
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


yes, not the file-name but the file itself (after the coffee):

> (module "crypto.lsp") ; try this (predefined  since 10.0.2 ;-) )

> (crypto:sha1 (read-file "newlisp-10.0.3.tgz"))