newLISP as a localhost and CGI-processing

Started by didi, January 21, 2009, 09:58:21 AM

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The exact code sample of the cgi.lsp file can't be shown here, but it starts with :

<% (set 'site "") %>


I put this code in a sample html-file and called the file via newLISP as a localhost but nothing happens , only the normal page is shown. The ide-app works via the same localhost .

The idea is to make a simple application without frames and javascript, but i can't derive this out of the ide- or wiki-example. Must i first start the cgi.lsp in the html-file and how ? -  any other ideas ?


To make he <% and %> tags work the page has to be put through the function CGI:put-page in cgi.lsp. Include modules/cgi.lsp in you cgi file then output the HTML page containing the tags using this function.


Not enough info to help, really, sorry. My limited experience of newLISP CGI is to run a simple file using newLISP as the web server. I've written a bit about it">here, but this doesn't seem to overlap with your syntax example at all... :(

edit: ah Lutz is two minutes ahead of me with the right answer :)


Both hints helped me really . Many thanks to  you !  Besides the powerful small newLISP ,  your immediate help here ( to even the beginners questions ) is really super !!