Two minute challenge

Started by cormullion, December 22, 2008, 05:50:59 AM

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m i c h a e l

Here comes my unavoidable FOOP version:

(define (FizzBuzz:FizzBuzz n) (when (zero? (% n 15)) "FizzBuzz"))
(define (Fizz:Fizz n) (when (zero? (% n 3)) "Fizz"))
(define (Buzz:Buzz n) (when (zero? (% n 5)) "Buzz"))

((define (fizz-buzz)
(for (n 1 100)
(println (or (FizzBuzz n) (Fizz n) (Buzz n) n))

How long did it take me? My initial try took about eight minutes. I guess that means I'm not much of a programmer ;-)

m i c h a e l


Very clever, Alessandro!

m i c h a e l (aka FOOP-erman): an elegant masterpiece is bound to take a few more minutes. I've never seen that ((define ..)) form before... ingenious!


michel your solution is great! I like it (and I'm studying it)

Thank you for your contribution!

Kazimir Majorinc

I offer to Newlisp users and sympathizers the program named "Parasite." It works for me this moment.

(println (slice (read-file (append ""
                (pow 2 9)))

If it doesn't work, this one should:

(set 'z (read-file (append ""

(println (slice z
                (find "1, 2, Fizz, 4" z)
                (pow 2 9)))

Happy new year and good luck to everyone.\">WWW site;\">blog.

m i c h a e l

Thank you, cormullion and Alessandro. Your kind words always inspire.

Kazimir, thanks for another great, unconventional solution. That's one of the things I like best about newLISP and this community: many different ways of looking at programming—and newLISP gracefully accommodating them all.

Quote from: "cormullion" I've never seen that ((define ..)) form before... ingenious!

I'm sure code like this would be discouraged in more formal settings, but I find its pure elegance hard to resist ;-)

Quote from: "Alessandro" I like it (and I'm studying it)

This could also be de-FOOPed by replacing the constructors with functions:

(define (fizzbuzz n) (when (zero? (% n 15)) "FizzBuzz"))
(define (fizz n) (when (zero? (% n 3)) "Fizz"))
(define (buzz n) (when (zero? (% n 5)) "Buzz"))

((define (fizz-buzz)
(for (n 1 100)
(println (or (fizzbuzz n) (fizz n) (buzz n) n))

m i c h a e l