The 9.4.0 newLISP manual

Started by Lutz, June 09, 2008, 06:05:01 AM

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Thanks xytroxon, here revision 10:"> ... anual.html">



I saw your comment about being able to edit directly into the HTML source file. I see that I can run the entire doc through a spell checker and make corrections. So how to send to you the corrected file? is better to first strive for clarity and correctness and to make programs efficient only if really needed.

\"Getting Started with Erlang\"  version 5.6.2


Thanks DrDave, actually I spell-checked it already, but I may have forgotten something. You can send it as an email attachement to lutz at nuevatec dot com. Take the latest from the development directory, currently revision 10.


spellchecking the newLISP way:

(set 'file (map lower-case
   (parse (read-file (string (env "HOME") "/Desktop/newLISP v.9.4.0 Manual and Reference.html")) {W} 0)))
(set 'words (parse (read-file "/usr/share/dict/words")))
(difference file words)

("" "doctype" "html" "w3c" "dtd" "4" "0" "http" "equiv" "charset" "utf" "8" "lutz"
 "mueller" "keywords" "newlisp" "programming" "nuevatec" "users" "9" "css" "2em"
 "1em" "roman" "ffaa28" "optima" "georgia" "456" "100" "16px" "arw" "303030" "cc0000"
 "555555" "aa0000" "keyword" ... ... ...

Oh no, the list is way too long - that old Unix dictionary is showing its age!

But glancing through the list, I can see some typos:

parseing  repetetive expresson destruvtive fuctions loalhost succcessful statments proces enviroment connnection complilation compiliation boool statments prcompiled

So it finds a few more for you... :)


Thanks Cormullion, updated revision 11:"> ... anual.html">

at some point I would like to hand it off to you, so we don't work on two different versions. Tell me when the time has come, that you want to start the final review and correction pass. Then I stop correcting, and if people find stuff, you can work it in.

Thanks again for offering to do this, its a rather big piece of work. On the other side, since Michael and Melissa made a complete pass, I probably haven't touched more then 15% of it. The art is to find those 15% though ;-)


Just received a complete spell-check by DrDave.

Thank you very much.

82 mispelled words, missing commas, double word occurrences etc., have been fixed in revision 12:"> ... anual.html">


Sorry Lutz, I was hoping to spend some time on the manual over the weekend, but life caught up with me - and then overtook me... Not sure what I can do in the next few days either.

For the future, I can't help thinking that getting a number of different people to contribute to the manual this way is a bit too ..., well, 20th century. Isn't there some more dynamic way to allow people to collaborate as a loosely constructed group and work on areas that they feel comfortable with, in their own time? GoogleDocs? (No, not GoogleDocs, that can't even handle documents over 512K) What else is out there?

Kazimir Majorinc

"retrieves the argument list of a macro expression" --> "retrieves the argument list of a function or a macro expression"\">WWW site;\">blog.


Quote from: "cormullion"What else is out there?">

Kazimir Majorinc

Letex example has one extra quote:

(letex '(x 1 y 2 z 3) '(x y z))\">WWW site;\">blog.

Kazimir Majorinc

I noted that length requires constant time in Newlisp, and that is some advantage over other Lisp dialects where it is linear. Maybe it deserves to be mentioned in the function reference.\">WWW site;\">blog.

Kazimir Majorinc

"integer" appears to be alias for "int" but is not documented in manual.

On the other side, "int?" is not defined as predicate, but "integer?" is.

I think it is the best to define both as aliases - "int" and "integer"; "int?" and "integer?" and also to document both. (Such aliases, short and long seem to be good practice to me.)\">WWW site;\">blog.


I thought integer might have been deprecated in 2004... (Before my time...) Lutz will know - or you could try to find old release notes...


Quote from: "cormullion"I thought integer might have been deprecated in 2004... (Before my time...) Lutz will know - or you could try to find old release notes...

See item 3">here.
(λx. x x) (λx. x x)



Regarding newlisp 10.0

Have you ever considered porting the documentaion to windows chm format?

Not sure how much work it takes but its a nice format that reads good too.

-- (define? (Cornflakes))