command-N confusion

Started by dave_f, December 02, 2007, 10:19:04 AM

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This is not a very big issue, but every Mac- instinct tells me that command-N should bring up a new window in any program.  But that's not the case in the newLISP IDE, where command-N is currently assigned to "Clear tab".  

The cmd-N /new-window expectation seems to be hard-wired into my fingers - I must have made this mistake dozens of times.  Anybody else bothered by this?  

Suggestion:  My sluggish synapses would have a much easier time if "Clear tab" was assigned to shift-cmd-N and "New" was assigned to cmd-N.  




Ooh yes I can see that that might hurt. Command-N for Newk, perhaps... :)

Don't know whether you can modify the keyboard accelerators without editing the /usr/bin/newlisp-edit.lsp file itself. Change it like this perhaps:

(gs:set-accelerator 'gs:FileClear "shift meta N")
(gs:set-accelerator 'gs:FileNew " meta N")


... will be changed according to Dave's and Cormullion's suggestions in the next version.
