[Tool] Nlist - remote content/code-browsing -

Started by newdep, December 01, 2007, 07:50:56 AM

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This is a remote content/code-browsing tool. Small and effective.

Under development,This is a pre-release.

Just to get an impression on what it will become, currently it is viewing only)

(load "http://www.nodep.nl/downloads/newlisp/nlist.lsp">//http://www.nodep.nl/downloads/newlisp/nlist.lsp")

Enjoy, Norman.

PS: should work on all OSes ;-)
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


Nice :)

It works on WinXP in any case.

The info-text in the text-pane is not correctly layed out : first character of each line is hidden... but scripts are well displayed.

Usefull tool.
<r><I>>Bertrand<e></e></I> − <COLOR color=\"#808080\">><B>newLISP<e></e></B> v.10.7.6 64-bit <B>>on Linux<e></e></B> (<I>>Linux Mint 20.1<e></e></I>)<e></e></COLOR></r>


owww yes thank for this hint..

Im always working on Linux but it looks not as it should under windows,

Ill see how I can fix this for the next release..

[edit]  new version v02 uploaded
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


WinXP and newLISP 9.2.0 here

it return an error:

array, list or string expected : (env "NEWLISPDIR")

on my default installation (env "NEWLISPDIR") return nil


For me on WIN XP/WIN2K it returns:

newLISP v.9.2.8 on Win32.

> (env "NEWLISPDIR")




Quote from: "cavva"

on my default installation (env "NEWLISPDIR") return nil

I think that was introduced in 9.2.1 so it's not in the current (non-development) version.

Norman's living on the (b)leading edge!


oo sorry for that,

yes I always have the latest Hot-from-the-oven newlisp version ;-)

Anyway.. the nlist content-browser will have new features in the new release.

'load is removed, a save remote url procedure is introduced..and

some other handy features.. hope to keep it compact and simple ;-)

That release will also join the competition ;-)
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


nlist.lsp version v0.3 release!

(tested with newlisp-9.2.8 and GS 1.7)

Pre-mature but globaly its working (nice ;-) (lots of feature to add)

Dont use v0.2 any more.. also convert you older nlist.idx into the new format! (strings only)

(load "http://www.nodep.nl/downloads/newlisp/nlist.lsp">//http://www.nodep.nl/downloads/newlisp/nlist.lsp")


PS: perhaps someone with a Mac could show me a picture

on how the nlist looks on MacOs ? just currious...
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


Quote from: "newdep"
PS: perhaps someone with a Mac could show me a picture

on how the nlist looks on MacOs ? just currious...


Looks pretty good - it took a couple of keypresses to get it started...


Aa great thanks... yes I see alreay a flaw ;-)

You miss the description bar... good to see that it differs per OS..

Ill need to find a different way to dispay the content in the bottom of the screen..

Thanks for the screen dump. looks pritty nice btw ;-)
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


Do 3 rows by 1 column (or is it 4 rows by 1 column?) grid layout at the top level. Then in each of the 3 (or 4) cells do a flow layout in a gs:panel.

The gs:panel in each cell will expand to its maximum size in the grid and doe not need to be sized. The flow layout inside the gs:panel lets you set the size of the elements contained.

Perhaps for the big cell (list box and text area) you do a border layout with "east", "center" or "east" "west".

On my Mac I see of the URL line only the top half. Even on the same platform there are still differences on different resolution displays.


ps: always do nesting of simpler layouts to achieve complexer layouts. gs:panel is cheap on resources.


Hi Lutz,

I tried your advice but the grid-layout on main is a nightmare..

although setting the flow-layout inside the panel its not spacing nicely.

a grid-layout of 3 1 0 0 gives me the list-panel and output-panel in

the midle of the screen and im unable to get them to the top of the main

window... its not outlining to its full size..

I fiddled now for 3 hours with this but its not happening, i tried including

panels make only 2 or three or more.. its not working nicely when grid-

layout is selected.. Ill keep on trying..

-- (define? (Cornflakes))


I wasn't sure about the grid layout choice myself. The grid layout tries to make cells of equal size and of course we don't want this and I forgot about that.

Perhaps a border layout for the main structure instead, where you can size "north" and "south" parts vertically via the panel sizes and the "center" panel will try to take up the rest of the space.

"north" -> ps:panel with flow layout for label and url-bar

"center" -> gs:panel with list-box and text area in flow layout

"south" -> gs:panel flow-layout for the status fields




The problem is probably the fact that the system-fonts are directly bound

to the size in height/length of the text-fields and area's..and every OS has different default fonts.. setting a font style for the text-area/field does

simmulate the size, but sizes of font are also different between OS types..

I think its a never ending story ;-) Ill just need to think of something more specific..

PS the "center"is nicer indeed for the middle cell..

-- (define? (Cornflakes))


* new v0.4*

(load "http://www.nodep.nl/downloads/newlisp/nlist.lsp">//http://www.nodep.nl/downloads/newlisp/nlist.lsp")

Lots of changes in nlist v0.4

 - Expirimented with Panels and grid switched to nlist.cfg colution.

 - Changed Info window to Monospaced, better font for script display.

 - XY coords/size of nlist are saved when doing "Quit" or windowclose

 - nlist now has a configfile called ./nlist/nlist.cfg

 - Removed nlist.uri, bookmarks are now stored inside nlist.cfg!

 - Shelf-menu is now automaticly updated after doing a bookmark

 - Switching between Text and HTLM is now possible in output window.

   last textmode is also saved when the nlist is closed.    

Lutz.. Is it possible to make newLispDoc compatible with the text/html in GS?

Or the other way around? Would be so nice to view newLIspDoc files from

within a text/html field.

Secondly.. Is it possile that the "web links" that are inside a text/html can

be pre-configured? Seems text/field in html mode now always seeks for

index.html..that not always handly..PS... This works on Windows but NOT under

Linux... Linux seeks always for index.html it seems..

thirdly.. Have a look at the dynamic switch between text/plain and text/html

there must be a better way to do this "on the fly?" what do you think? is GS

up to it? ;-)


-- (define? (Cornflakes))