Function to create multiple sub directories

Started by SHX, July 28, 2007, 09:41:16 PM

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Can someone give me an example of how to code a function that creates  multiple sub directories

For instance if I pass "c:firstdirseconddirthirddir" to the function and only "c:" exists, that the code will create "c:firstdir" and then "c:firstdirseconddir" and finally "c:firstdirseconddirthirddir"



I know this was mainly Unix-related, but there might be some generic code in there too:">//


Playing with dirs :

; dirtest  dmemos 29-jul-07

 ; --- simple function

 ( change-dir  "D:\temp" )   ; my play-dir

 ( define ( mkdirs  mlist )
  ( dolist  ( dirname mlist )
       (  make-dir  dirname )
       (  change-dir dirname )))

 ( mkdirs  '( "a"  "b"  "c"  ))

 ; --- same with a macro

 ( change-dir  "D:\temp" )   ; my play-dir

 ( define-macro  ( mkdirs2 )
    ( doargs  ( dirname )
         ( make-dir (string dirname ))
         ( change-dir (string dirname))
 ( mkdirs2  "g" "h" "i" )   ; now you don't need a list

 ( change-dir  "D:\temp" )   ; my play-dir

 ( mkdirs2 d e f )           ; .. and you even don't need strings

 ; --- small addition : when finished go back to start-dir  

 ( change-dir  "D:\temp" )   ; my play-dir

 ( define ( mkdirs3  mlist )
   ( set 'start-dir (real-path))
   ( dolist  ( dirname mlist )
       (  make-dir  dirname )
       (  change-dir dirname ))
    ( change-dir start-dir ))

 ( mkdirs3  '( "j"  "k"  "l"  ))

 ; --- with macro the same

 ( define-macro  ( mkdirs4 )
    ( set 'start-dir (real-path))
    ( doargs  ( dirname )
         ( make-dir (string dirname ))
         ( change-dir (string dirname))
   ( change-dir start-dir ))
 ( mkdirs4  "m" "n" "o" )

 ( mkdirs4   p q  r )  

Maybe you have to parse your  string into single dir-names .

PS:  it doesn't matter if you  apply make-dir on an existing directory

PPS : i wrote this before reading cormullions link - but it's interesting to see it  ,  i've tested  my examples under Win2k