Combined demo

Started by HPW, June 16, 2007, 10:52:17 AM

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I put some of the current demos together:

(load "">//")

Also Combo and listbox echos right text in textearea:

(define (action-handler)
(if (= "MAIN:TheToggleButton" (args 0))
(if (true? (args 1))
(gs:disable 'TheButton 'TheImageButton 'TheRadioButton 'TheCheckBox 'TheMessage)
(gs:enable 'TheButton 'TheImageButton 'TheRadioButton 'TheCheckBox 'TheMessage)

(if (= "MAIN:TheImageButton" (args 0))
(gs:color-dialog 'TheFrame 'action-handler "Choose a color" 1 1 1))

(if (= "MAIN:TheMessage" (args 0))
(gs:confirm-dialog 'TheFrame 'action-handler
"A Message" "Enjoy GUI server"
;(amb "error" "informaton" "warning" "question" "plain")

(let (s "")
(doargs (item)
(write-buffer s (string item " ")))

(if (or
(= "MAIN:TheComboBox" (args 0))
(= "MAIN:TheListBox" (args 0)))
(write-buffer s (string (base64-dec (args 2)) " "))

(write-buffer s "n")
(gs:append-text 'MonitorArea s)


It's very nice to see all possibilities of the gui-server at once .

When i read through the manual of the gui-server it was sometimes difficult to imagine what was meant - this demo is a good idea !