Standard Deviation ?

Started by CaveGuy, May 30, 2007, 03:16:00 PM

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I am at the limits of my understanding of math here, and am looking for an example or lib function, that can preform a Standard Deviation on a list of values and give me back the magic number, so I can move on with my life :)

Lutz: I do like how the language has evolved, Its been a few years, but I have begun a new project, I hope to abuse NewLisp's IP capibilities, this time around.


Bob the Caveguy aka Lord High Fixer.


There is a statistics module "stat.lsp" in the source distribution in the modules directory and documented here:">

(load "stat.lsp")

(set 'lst '(4 5 2 3 7 6 8 9 4 5 6 9 2))

(stat:sdev lst) => 2.39925202



Thanks Guy: I was sure I has seen it somewhere :)

As it was the only function I needed, I packed it a bit into a oneliner:

(define (sdev X) (sqrt (div (sub (apply add (map mul X X)) (div (mul (apply add X) (apply add X)) (length X))) (sub (length X) 1))

I was interested how this would affect performance so I ran some 10K loop tests using both 10 and 100 element lists.

(define (testsdev)

   (setq lst (random 0 10000000000 10))

   (println "stat:sdev 10  = " (time (stat:sdev lst) 10000))

   (println "MAIN:sdev 10 = " (time (MAIN:sdev lst) 10000))

   (setq lst (random 0 10000000000 100))

   (println "stat:sdev 100  = " (time (stat:sdev lst) 10000))

   (println "MAIN:sdev 100 = " (time (MAIN:sdev lst) 10000))


Returned numbers in the range of what I expected about 60% to  80%

stat:sdev 10  = 125

MAIN:sdev 10 = 78

stat:sdev 100  = 719

MAIN:sdev 100 = 579

Keep up the good work !

Bob the Caveguy aka Lord High Fixer.


I'm no stat expert, but don't you have to know if your list is either:">">">">    1) sample data from a population, or">">">">    2) the population data, itself?

The STDEV formulas are different for 1 versus 2, according to">Wikipedia: Standard Deviation.
(λx. x x) (λx. x x)


In my case I am dealing with:

2) the population data, itself?

These are finite samples to be averaged and compaired over time.

Sure Hope I got the right one !

Heck, it will make a nice looking chart either way :)
Bob the Caveguy aka Lord High Fixer.


... the use of the word "samples" is tricky here.  Basically, wikipedia says if "every member of a population is sampled" use sigma for stddev:">

But if you only have a proper sample of the population (i.e. not the whole population) use the estimator (of the population's stddev) s:">

The only difference between the two expressions is the N versus N - 1 and that"> is the population mean in the sigma expression, whereas"> is the sample mean in the s expression (no pun intended).

Lutz's sdev function is based on the latter, s, expression, i.e. it's the sample standard deviation.

The short answer is: if your data is really the entire population, you need to divide by N, not N - 1.
(λx. x x) (λx. x x)


Thanks a lot, as it turns out it looks like I will be needing both. in one case I have the entire sample and in the other case I find I only have a representive sample. So here for the archives is the short sweet mininum overhead flavors of each.

(define (sdev X) (sqrt (div (sub (apply add (map mul X X)) (div (mul (apply add X) (apply add X)) (length X))) (sub (length X) 1))))

(define (stdev X) (sqrt (div (sub (apply add (map mul X X)) (div (mul (apply add X) (apply add X)) (length X))) (length X))))

Thanks for your helpfull pointers.

Back under my rock again, well at least for a while :)

Bob the Caveguy aka Lord High Fixer.