newlisp-tk on Mac OSX?

Started by jeremyc, February 21, 2007, 05:43:17 AM

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How do I do this? ./configure && make does not seem to do the trick for me.


what are you trying to do?

why not just install from the MacOSX installer?

the in a shell type: newlisp-tk



I thought the OSX installer was PPC? I'm on an intel mac.


Oh, I did not know. What happens if you do:


can you post the output of it?



$ ./configure

Discovered Darwin MacOS X with readline suport, enter:


to make for MacOS X with readline support

$ make


Discovered Darwin Mac OSX with readline suport:

make -f makefile_darwin

cc -L/usr/lib -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include -c -g -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX newlisp.c

cc -L/usr/lib -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include -c -g -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX nl-symbol.c

cc -L/usr/lib -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include -c -g -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX nl-math.c

cc -L/usr/lib -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include -c -g -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX nl-list.c

cc -L/usr/lib -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include -c -g -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX nl-liststr.c

cc -L/usr/lib -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include -c -g -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX nl-string.c

cc -L/usr/lib -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include -c -g -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX nl-filesys.c

cc -L/usr/lib -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include -c -g -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX nl-sock.c

cc -L/usr/lib -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include -c -g -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX nl-import.c

cc -L/usr/lib -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include -c -g -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX nl-xml.c

cc -L/usr/lib -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include -c -g -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX nl-web.c

cc -L/usr/lib -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include -c -g -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX nl-matrix.c

cc -L/usr/lib -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include -c -g -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX nl-debug.c

cc -L/usr/lib -Wall -O2 -I/usr/include -c -g -DREADLINE -DMAC_OSX pcre.c

cc -L/usr/lib newlisp.o nl-symbol.o nl-math.o nl-list.o nl-liststr.o nl-string.o nl-filesys.o nl-sock.o nl-import.o nl-xml.o nl-web.o nl-matrix.o nl-debug.o pcre.o -g -lm -lreadline -o newlisp

strip newlisp


that looks perfect! Now do:

sudo make install



Hm. Your right. I guess I was thinking newlisp-tk was a binary that had to be compiled. I didn't see it scroll by, so I figured it was not building it. My bad.

Thanks for walking me through it, sorry to waste your time.


yes, newlisp-tk is just aTcl/Tk script which gets installed in /usr/bin/newlisp-tk.

one other thing: the Mac OS X PPC installer ships by default with a UTF-8 version made with

make darwin_utf8

So the version you installed is not for UTF-8, but that should not make a difference to you unless you have to handle UTF-8 characters.

On the Mac I package a utf8 compile because UTF-8 handling on the Mac is  standard in most applications (text editor, terminal, browser etc.).

But probably your newLISP applications run fine in either mode. In case you want the UTF-8 version do:

make clean
make darwin_utf8
sudo make install



is that you, your plane, and your wiki, jeremy?


I am assuming yes, I have a wiki, plane and pic of me :-) Well, sorta. I don't own that plane, but the glider club I use to belong to owns it and it's the one I solo'd in.


i'm looking forward to reading the entries ...! ;-)

(in case anyone thinks i've finally cracked, i saw jeremy's new newlisp-powered wiki on the web and assumed it was his...)