Why won't this find work?

Started by methodic, July 20, 2006, 10:00:20 PM

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I have a webpage I am trying to parse... I slurp it with get-url, replace all whitespace with one space (newlines, tabs, multiple spaces, etc)... here is the part I am trying to grab: "
 Last Login:  7/20/2006

here is my find: (find "
 Last Login:&nbsp; (.*)
" txt 0)

and it returns up to 7/20/2006, but it doesn't stop at the
, it keeps going past it to the end of the file... I am using multiple finds on this page, and every of them return fine, are the forward slashes in the date screwing up find?



Nevermind, I see what I did wrong, sorry. :)

I guess that's a *feature* of find. ;)


I've found regex useful when working with this stuff:

(set 'txt "<br> <br> Last Login:&nbsp; 7/20/2006<br> </td>")
(regex "<br> Last Login:&nbsp; (.*)<br>" txt 0)
;-> ("<br> Last Login:&nbsp; 7/20/2006<br>" 5 36 "7/20/2006" 28 9)

which tells you you want the $1 value rather than the $0:

(find "<br> Last Login:&nbsp; (.*)<br>" txt 0)
;-> 5
(println $0)
;-><br> Last Login:&nbsp; 7/20/2006<br>
(println $1)

I'm still struggling with this myself...! Yellow RegExp-Do belt worn with pride... ;-)


In both cases $0 and $1 show the same: $0 the whole area covered by the pattern and $1 the parenthesized subpattern:

> (regex "<br> Last Login:&nbsp; (.*)<br>" txt 0)
("<br> Last Login:&nbsp; 7/20/2006<br>" 5 36 "7/20/2006" 28 9)

> $0
"<br> Last Login:&nbsp; 7/20/2006<br>"
> $1

> (find "<br> Last Login:&nbsp; (.*)<br>" txt 0)

> $0
"<br> Last Login:&nbsp; 7/20/2006<br>"
> $1

In the list returned by regex imagine 3 members are always grouped together: string, offset and length.

The first group then corresponds to $0 the next to $1 etc.



to Methodic:

the .* operator will always grab as much as it can and still satify the pattern. You can use the option 512 to invert greediness or put an ? after the star as in .*?

> (find "a.*c" "abbbbcbbbcd" 0)
> $0

> (find "a.*c" "abbbbcbbbcd" 512)
> $0

> (find "a.*?c" "abbbbcbbbcd" 0)
> $0

and here the same with parenthesized subexpressions to isolate the subpattern:

> (find "a(.*)c" "abbbbcbbbcd" 0)
> $1

> (find "a(.*?)c" "abbbbcbbbcd" 0)
> $1



Ah, thats what I was looking for, the (.*?)

thanks so much!