Commas in parameter lists

Started by HPW, November 01, 2003, 11:32:21 PM

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When I read this sample code in the help:

(define (my-func a b c , x y z)
        (set 'x .....)

Make me thinking if this is possible (replacing comma with forward slash):

(defun my-func (a b c / x y)(setq x 10 y (+ a b c)))

And it works! :-)

Will help me in my work for an xlisp/alisp compatible layer for reusing existing sources. (defun macro from init.lsp)

Maybe it should be added to the doc that it can be another character.


One Problem, this does not work any more:

(defun test ( a b c / x y)(setq x 10 y(/ a b )))
operator '/' is set to nil inside the function.

But we can do this:

(defun test ( a b c / x y)(setq x 10 y(div a b )))


So with 7.2.8 this no longer works.

(defun test ( a b c / x y)(setq x 10 y(div a b)))

symbol is protected : /

called from user defined function test

So have to change to the ','  but loose xlisp-compatibility.


there would be a 'hack' importing a function like 'sprintf' and using 'dump' (which always has been available but is not doumented):

(unpack "c c" (last (dump '/))) => (0 48)

to get the address of the symbol, than change the symbols flags. The 48 would have to be a 32 (see newlisp.h)


(import "xxxxx" "sprintf")

(sprintf (last (dump '/)) "%c %c" 0 32) ; unprotect symbol /

would probably do it, but I don't know at the moment (have no Win32 SDK docs) which function from what windows library would work. A 'memcpy' would be fine too:

(import "xxxxx" "memcpy")

(memcpy (last (dump '/)) (pack "c c" 0 32) 2) ; unprotect symbol /



Testing it with:

(import "msvcrt" "sprintf")
(sprintf (last (dump '/)) "%c %c" 0 32)


(import "msvcrt" "memcpy")
(memcpy (last (dump '/)) (pack "c c" 0 32) 2)

crashes both on WIN XP prof.

I am not sure if it is worth to think more about this hack,

because it is platform-dependent.


There is an undocumented 'cpymem' in 7300, which works:

(cpymem (pack "c c" 0 32) (last (dump '/)) 2)

note, that the order of addresses is 'from' 'to' for cpymem
