fun with pledge()

Started by Kirill, October 07, 2020, 08:11:17 AM

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On OpenBSD">pledge() system call forces the current process into a restricted-service operating mode.

I know newLISP can import function from shared libraries, but I have never done so yet. So I thought I'd give it a try with pledge():

> (import "/usr/lib/" "pledge")
> (pledge "tty stdio" 0)
> (println "yay!")
> (! "ls -al")
Abort trap (core dumped)

In another window I see

newlisp[56936]: pledge "proc", syscall 66

That was fun! I will play more with this little tool.


Nice! 👍
(λx. x x) (λx. x x)


I was thinking of creating something that would allow running untrusted newLISP code (think serverless, function-as-a-service et c) as a CGI, only allowing to act on submittes post data and do calculations and spit out the result.

Now, with pledge() and newLISP running in a chroot already, the idea may some day come true.