Is the udp of newlisp's net-listen only do for local ?

Started by dexter, August 15, 2014, 07:46:02 PM

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Is the udp of newlisp's net-listen only do for local communications?

Cause I put the udp-server.lsp on a remote server, then use udp-client.lsp to connect

and send something to it

but in the server side, Nothing received, and to the client, it showed works just fine.

So I am wondering, is the udp of newlisp's network  functions only handle with local communications,like in the same network area?



As far as I can see, the example code uses the loop-back interface, so that's limited to be run on the same host. Changing the scripts to appropriate host works fine for me.



Finally, it's the problem of firewall

newilsp is fine as usual