How to set newLISP-GS auto-refresh the tab content

Started by ssqq, June 09, 2014, 07:30:02 AM

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I use Vim to write newLISP code, but I like use newLISP-GS to run code, When I edit and save in Vim, Only way to refresh the content in newLISP-GS is to re-open a tab.

If have any setting option to make it auto-refresh?


In my .vimrc file, I have the following definition for the shift-X key:

" X executes the current file with newLISP
:nmap X :! newlisp % <CR>

While in Vim, I just hit shift-X and the file executes. Works also fine with files made to use the Guiserver. When the program finished, I am back in the editor. Of course you also could just enter ! newlisp % when in edit mode.


I am exciting to get the reply of designer of newLISP.

Thanks Lutz!