Newlisp binary numbering vs sys-info

Started by newdep, October 06, 2004, 03:40:17 AM

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Hello Lutz,

I have two question perhpas you can clarify them a little:

* newLISP v.8.2.1 Copyright (c) 2004 Lutz Mueller. All rights reserved.

*(sys-info) -> (336 268435456 279 1 0 1024 8201 1)

(above i see 2 diffent version displays 8.2.1 and 8201)

*where as the binary's vary from ->

 linux using 8.2.0 or 8.2.1 (newlisp-8.2.0.tgz)

 Window using 8200 or 8201 (newlisp-8200-win-tk-117.exe)

so actualy the question "1" is:

How is the version (sys-info) build ->

8 - main release

2 - build

0 - patched

0 - Hotfix?

Question "2" is ->

Can all binary be dstributed in the same version layout?

(like 8200 or like the 'sys-info displays)

Regards, Norman
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


As far as I know:

How is the version (sys-info) build ->

8 - major release

2 - official stable sub-release

01 - 2 digit build number

8201 is an integer and not a string.


As long as it is static that always the last 2 digits represent the build

then i know enough :-)

When immer Die letze zwei bits Die build reprezentieren dan habe ich

kein problem dahmit solang es immer zwei bits sind...

(Ich muss mahl mein Deutsch uben, lese ich hier ;-)

Thanks !
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


Nicht schlecht das Deutsch!

Mein Niederlaendisch ist dagegen sehr schlecht.

I think Lutz will tell us, if I am right.

But in the past this was the matter with the different releases.


yes, this is how its meant:

8 - major release

2 - sub-release

01 - 2 digit build number

but there is no stable/unstable number pattern
