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Started by Koodnew, April 06, 2009, 05:23:12 AM

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Âñåì õàé! Èçâèíèòå, åñëè íå â òåìó, ÿ ïëîõî îðèåíòèðóþñü â ðàçäåëàõ ôîðóìà. Íå óäàëÿéòå ñòðàíè÷êó, à ïåðåíåñèòå åå â íóæíûé ðàçäåë, åñëè ÷òî ) Ñïàñèáî çà ïîíèìàíèå! Äåëî â òîì, ÷òî ÿ õî÷ó ïîäíÿòü òåìó äëÿ îáñóæäåíèÿ î÷åíü íàñóùíóþ. ß çàêàçàë  â ìàãàçèíå"> àâòîìàãíèòîëó, à ìíå ìàëî òîãî ÷òî íè÷åãî íå ñîîáùèëè î ïîñòóïèâøåì çàêàçå, òàê åùå è íà èìåéë íå îòâå÷àþò.. Èëè">àâòîìàãíèòîëà kenwood óæå íå òàêîé îñîáûé çàêàç ? Ó âàñ íå áûëî òàêèõ ñëó÷àåâ ?


SPAM from
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


Veeeeery interesting. I didn't register this guy. I'm trying to figure out how he got in here.


read your PM
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


Annoying. Please let me know if I can help.

You didn't leave the door open...?



No. We would see a LOT of spammers if that happened.

I think I've stopped this guy. But I'm leaving his posts up for the moment while I work on things.


He apparently slipped in while I was registering one of our new members.

I generally have the registration open for less than a minute. That should tell you how many spammers we disappoint every day ;-)
\"Give me a Kaypro 64 and a dial tone, and I can do anything!\"

m i c h a e l

While we're on the subject, I just wanted to express my appreciation to Ryon for all his efforts at keeping this such a nice place to visit.

m i c h a e l