Parse Question

Started by johnd, September 04, 2008, 11:27:42 AM

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According to the manual when no str-break token is included in parse the function uses "newLISP's internal parsing rules".  Are these described somewhere in the manual?

I've noticed some odd behavior with parse

> (parse {"john d"} " ")

(""john" "d"")

> (parse {"john d"})

("john d")

> (parse {john d})

("john" "d")


I was assuming a the break token was a space, but the last two examples are different.

I came across this when I tried to parse a single " without including an explicit str-break.

> (parse {"} " ")


> (parse {"})

ERR: string token too long in function parse : ""




I think the rules are basically: treat the string as if it were newLISP source code:

>(set 's {(set 't "this is a string") ; a comment})
"(set 't "this is a string") ; a comment"
> (parse s)
("(" "set" "'" "t" "this is a string" ")")

The quote is stripped from the t, and the comment is lost altogether... It's not using spaces, but the components of the language.

I think this:

(parse {john d})

is parsing [john d] and going to return two symbols, whereas :

(parse {"john d"})

is parsing a string that starts and ends with quotation marks - ["john d"] - (you've doubled the string delimiters). If you type this into newLISP:

> "john d"
"john d"

- it has parsed as itself.

And your last example is like typing this into the terminal:

> (set t "this)

ERR: string token too long : "this)"