Bug - works only in default dir

Started by Kazimir Majorinc, May 29, 2008, 02:06:57 AM

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Kazimir Majorinc

I tried to instal Newlisp in


but editor doesn't work although Newlisp itself works. It works well if installed in default directories. It is minor bug, however, maybe it is worth reporting. It happens on XP 32 bit and Vista 64 bit.
http://kazimirmajorinc.com/\">WWW site; http://kazimirmajorinc.blogspot.com\">blog.


Yes, this is a know problem and not trivial to fix :(. In your case, after installing in c:newlisp directory, before running newLISP, set the environment variable NEWLISPDIR to c:newlisp:

c:> set NEWLISPDIR=c:newlisp

Now you can do:

c:> newlisp newlisp-edit.lsp

or run any other newLISP-GS program.

There will still be a problem running the installed demo programs out of the editor, because Windows and Java do not pass on the changed NEWLISPDIR environment variable setting to the newLISP process running in the monitor window.

But if you change the load line for guiserver.lsp at the beginning of each installed program to an explicit coded path for guiserver.lsp, it will work. The same with your own newLISP-GS programs, if you want to run them from the newLISP-GS editor you have to hard code the path to loading guiserver.lsp to the changed c:newlispguiserver.lsp. Or you set the environment variable and run them from the command line.


This is fixed for 9.3.15, which will allow non-default install directories (will require rebooting, only tested on XP).