Base64 encoder

Started by pjot, March 01, 2004, 01:54:38 PM

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Here now with 1.02 of the DLL going online this evening:

> (import "hpwNLUtility.dll" "hpwMimeEncodeStringNoCRLF")

hpwMimeEncodeStringNoCRLF <ED373C>

> (import "hpwNLUtility.dll" "hpwMimeDecodeString")

hpwMimeDecodeString <ED37A0>

> (time (setq a(BASE64:encode bigtxt)))


> (time(setq b(get-string(hpwMimeEncodeStringNoCRLF bigtxt))))


> (length a)


> (length b)



Actually the lne-feeds should stay in to protect mailservers with max line-length < 76. As long as BASE64:decode filters those out there is no problem.



HPW: All right! That is good news, so it seems we end up with the same result. Thank you for testing!

So I can try to increase the conversion speed then...

Lutz: I am not sure what you mean by placing the (if... length...) stuff outside the loop since that would result in a non-working algorithm...? Can you show a small example of what you mean?



lets say the data string is 100 chars long than you check a 98 times if the length is > 2 > 1 etc.

If the while loop runs only (while (> (length dat) 2) then the little rest of 1 or two characters can be processes after the loop. And inside the loop you always can assume length > 2.



OK I understand. Tomorrow I will investigate improvements on the Base64 encoder. Thanks.


The base64 routine is smaller and faster now. But I still think I can perform more optimizations. The base64 value calculation can be unified I suppose. In the meantime I have advanced to this code:




;; Base64 converter using newLISP. Tested on Slackware 9.1 with newLISP 7.5.6.


;; Proxy-servers require a base64 encoded <username:password> to pass through.


;; With this encoder you can hack your way out :-)


;; Improved after hints and tips from Lutz.



;; Setup base64 encode string

(set 'BASE64 "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/")

;; Get input from user

(print "Enter a string to convert: ")

(set 'dat (read-line))

;; Initialize result variable to string

(set 'enc "")

;; Mainloop

(while (> (length dat) 2) (begin


   ;; Find ASCII values

   (set 'byte1 (char dat))

   (set 'byte2 (char dat 1))

   (set 'byte3 (char dat 2))

   ;; Now create BASE64 values

   (set 'base1 (/ byte1 4))

   (set 'base2 (+ (* (& byte1 3) 16) (/ (& byte2 240) 16)))

   (set 'base3 (+ (* (& byte2 15) 4) (/ (& byte3 192) 64)))

   (set 'base4 (& byte3 63))

   ;; Find BASE64 characters

   (set 'enc (append enc (nth base1 BASE64) (nth base2 BASE64) (nth base3 BASE64) (nth base4 BASE64) ))

   ;; Decrease 'dat' with 3 characters

   (set 'dat (slice dat 3))


;; From here determine last characters and/or padding

(set 'byte1 (char dat))

(set 'byte3 0)

(if (= (length dat) 2) (set 'byte2 (char dat 1)) (set 'byte2 0))

;; Create BASE64 values

(set 'base1 (/ byte1 4))

(set 'base2 (+ (* (& byte1 3) 16) (/ (& byte2 240) 16)))

(set 'base3 (+ (* (& byte2 15) 4) (/ (& byte3 192) 64)))

(set 'base4 (& byte3 63))

;; Find last BASE64 characters

(if (= (length dat) 1) (set 'enc (append enc (nth base1 BASE64) (nth base2 BASE64) "==")))

(if (= (length dat) 2) (set 'enc (append enc (nth base1 BASE64) (nth base2 BASE64) (nth base3 BASE64) "=")))

;; Print resulting string

(println enc)

;; Exit



A little optimized through eliminating multiple set to one.

;; Base64 converter using newLISP. Tested on Slackware 9.1 with newLISP 7.5.4.
;; Proxy-servers require a base64 encoded "username:password" to pass through.
;; With this encoder you can hack your way out :-)

;; Setup base64 encode string

(context 'base64)

(define (encode dat)

(set 'base64charset "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/")

;; Get input from user
;(print "Enter a string to convert: ")
;(set 'dat (read-line))

;; Initialize result variable to string
(set 'enc "")

;; Mainloop
(while (> (length dat) 2) (begin

;; Find ASCII values
(set 'byte1 (char dat)
'byte2 (char dat 1)
'byte3 (char dat 2)

;; Now create BASE64 values
'base1 (/ byte1 4)
'base2 (+ (* (& byte1 3) 16) (/ (& byte2 240) 16))
'base3 (+ (* (& byte2 15) 4) (/ (& byte3 192) 64))
'base4 (& byte3 63)

;; Find BASE64 characters
'enc (append enc (nth base1 base64charset) (nth base2 base64charset) (nth base3 base64charset) (nth base4 base64charset) )
;; Decrease 'dat' with 3 characters
'dat (slice dat 3)

(if (> (length dat) 0)
;; From here determine last characters and/or padding
(set 'byte1 (char dat)
'byte3 0)
(if (= (length dat) 2) (set 'byte2 (char dat 1)) (set 'byte2 0))

;; Create BASE64 values
(set 'base1 (/ byte1 4)
'base2 (+ (* (& byte1 3) 16) (/ (& byte2 240) 16))
'base3 (+ (* (& byte2 15) 4) (/ (& byte3 192) 64))
'base4 (& byte3 63))

;; Find last BASE64 characters
(if (= (length dat) 1) (set 'enc (append enc (nth base1 base64charset) (nth base2 base64charset) "==")))
(if (= (length dat) 2) (set 'enc (append enc (nth base1 base64charset) (nth base2 base64charset) (nth base3 base64charset) "=")))

;; Return resulting string

;; Base64 decoder
;; Due to the nature of newLISP, this is the smallest
;; BASE64 decoder I've ever written.

(define (decode dat)

;; Setup base64 string
(set 'base64charset "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/")

;; Get input from user
;(print "Enter a string to convert: ")
;(set 'dat (read-line))

;; Initialize result variable to string
(set 'res "")

;; Mainloop
(while (> (length dat) 0)
;; Find the indexnumber in the base64charset definition
(set 'byte1 (find (nth 0 dat) base64charset))
(if (= byte1 nil)(set 'byte1 0))
(set 'byte2 (find (nth 1 dat) base64charset))
(if (= byte2 nil)(set 'byte2 0))
(set 'byte3 (find (nth 2 dat) base64charset))
(if (= byte3 nil)(set 'byte3 0))
(set 'byte4 (find (nth 3 dat) base64charset))
(if (= byte4 nil)(set 'byte4 0))

;; Recalculate to ASCII value
(set 'res (append res
(char (+ (* (& byte1 63) 4) (/ (& byte2 48) 16)))
(char (+ (* (& byte2 15) 16) (/ (& byte3 60) 4)))
(char (+ (* (& byte3 3) 64) byte4))))

;; Decrease string with 4
(set 'dat (slice dat 4))))

;; Print resulting string
(trim res "00")

(context 'MAIN)



another optimization, on bigger files repeated string appending gets very expensive because the string is growing and growing. The following change pushes all strings on a list than does a 'join'. On files smaller than a few Kbyte this is slightly slower but on a 100Kbyte file speed increases 10 fold! Ecoding newlisp.c in 4 seconds instead of 40seconds. On bigger files the difference will be even more.

I have used this technique of string appending in many programs with sometimes dramatic performance differences.

;; Base64 converter using newLISP. Tested on Slackware 9.1 with newLISP 7.5.4.
;; Proxy-servers require a base64 encoded "username:password" to pass through.
;; With this encoder you can hack your way out :-)

;; Setup base64 encode string

(context 'base64)

(define (encode dat)

(set 'base64charset "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/")

(define (to64)
  (set 'base1 (/ byte1 4)
       'base2 (+ (* (& byte1 3) 16) (/ (& byte2 240) 16))
       'base3 (+ (* (& byte2 15) 4) (/ (& byte3 192) 64))
       'base4 (& byte3 63)))

;; Initialize result variable to string
(set 'enc '())

;; Mainloop
(while (> (length dat) 2) (begin

   ;; Find ASCII values
   (set 'byte1 (char dat)
        'byte2 (char dat 1)
        'byte3 (char dat 2))
   ;; Now create BASE64 values
   ;; Find BASE64 characters
   (push (append (nth base1 base64charset) (nth base2 base64charset)
                 (nth base3 base64charset) (nth base4 base64charset)) enc)

   ;; Decrease 'dat' with 3 characters
   (set 'dat (slice dat 3))

(if (> (length dat) 0)

;; From here determine last characters and/or padding
(set   'byte1 (char dat)
   'byte3 0)
(if (= (length dat) 2) (set 'byte2 (char dat 1)) (set 'byte2 0))

;; Create BASE64 values

;; Find last BASE64 characters
(if (= (length dat) 1) (push (append (nth base1 base64charset) (nth base2 base64charset) "==") enc))
(if (= (length dat) 2) (push (append (nth base1 base64charset) (nth base2 base64charset)
                             (nth base3 base64charset) "=") enc))

;; Return resulting string
(trim (join (reverse enc))))



oops, should have moved the define of 'to64' out of the (define (encode ....) but it doesn't really matter.



Phew newLISP indeed is very powerfull! I am learning all the time here. Thank you HPW and Lutz for your examples and explanations!
