Run process with spaces in executable file name

Started by Cyril, January 19, 2008, 03:06:31 AM

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I feel myself dumb today: how to run process (by 'process' function) if name of executable file contains spaces?  (Very common case if it resides under "Program Files"). I have tried quoting -- no luck. Quoting for '!' and 'exec' works (although in a non-trivial way), but for 'process' it fails.

In fact I am trying to emulate 'fork' by calling 'process' with '(main-args)' joined back. Maybe there is a better way to do this?
With newLISP you can grow your lists from the right side!


Currently spaces are not supported in 'process' for Win32. On UNIX spaces are supported for arguments, using single quotes '.

On Win32 use the short 8.3 filename, you can find it out doing a: dir /X in the Windows command shell.

Full support for spaces in commands and arguments is on my To-Do list and will appear in a future version.


ps: Peter (pjot) has a 'winfork' on his site:">


... now supported on 9.2.17 (tomorrow, Jan 21st)
