FreeBSD 9.2.0 - segmentation fault 11

Started by cormullion, December 03, 2007, 02:44:55 PM

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I wondered why my web site wasn't working today - on a hunch I checked the newLISP version number, and they've installed 9.2.0 (over the weekend perhaps) upgrading from 9.1.8. While newLISP itself appears to be working OK, my index.cgi file crashes with a segmentation fault 11...

I'd be grateful for any tips or suggestions as to what to look for? Was there something that was in 9.2 but not 9.1 that coul cause a segfault..?


I went through the changes notes, but could not find anything relevant. The best is to put 'println' statements into your script, the output will show up in the browser. The first should be a:

(print  "Content-type: text/htmlrnrn")

(println "I am getting to here<br>")


then let the script exit.

This way you can find out where in the script the problem is and isolate the part. Perhaps they also did an update of the Sqlite database and there is a problem importing functions?

Worse case ask them to additionally install the old newlisp as newlisp91, then change the first line in your script accordingly. Having both versions installed makes debugging perhaps easier.



Thanks Lutz. I've established that CGI is working fine - Fanda's cgi-info script works OK.

sqlite3.lsp loads up fine to, so I'll write a simple database test file and see how I get on.

It's an educational experience! :/


Ah - the chaps at nearlyfreespeech attempted an upgrade of SQLite yesterday and it went wrong...

newLISP is innocent! (of course)