Getting keystrokes while displaying images...

Started by cormullion, July 24, 2007, 02:40:28 AM

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Another question

 - I'm writing a slideshow application which is going very well. I like the idea of controlling operations with keystrokes (eg space bar, arrow keys), which is common interface style these days. How could this be done without a text field or text area?


Just like we have gs:mouse-event usable for any component in the system (not only canvas), we will have a gs:key-event, this is important for programming any games, I simply forgot about this. We will have another development version this week, where you will find gs:key-event.


ps: as a workaround till then you could use gs:mouse-event and checking for the left/right button and modifier keys.


... the button-demo.lsp has an example for usage and you can see how the modifier keys work, e.g. shift-left-mouse-button etc.



Cool! I'll work on other features until gs:key-event, which sounds perfect for the job...