Emacs Editing Mode for Newlisp

Started by Tim Johnson, June 29, 2006, 09:03:11 AM

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Tim Johnson



for all files.

Please read 0readmefirst.txt *first*. I'm not a newlisp programmer -

yet anyway, but wanted a editor customization to start with.

Some brief testing has been done on Xemacs and GNU emacs on

linux, but not on Windows. I look forward to windows results...

Features include on-demand documentation, function indexing, syntax

highlighting and 'asynchronous inferior mode' - which means that you

can run the interpereter from within the editor and evaluate code

without leaving the editor.

For those of you not familiar with emacs, it is essentially a development

environment written in a lisp dialect (elisp). Elisp should be easy for a

newlisp programmer to pick up and consequently should present a

very extendable venue for all kinds of things.

For those of you who don't like emacs and want nothing to do with it,

I don't blame you. It is difficult to get started with, and an acquired taste.

I also use vim and have some ideas that might enhance the vim mode

(if not already implemented).

I'll post those issues as another thread (something like "newlisp docs and various editors")

For those of you who are interested in emacs, but never got going

with it for reasons as above, I would be willing to lend a hand.

I don't look at this forum regularly, so if you post any questions or

comments directly to this thread, I'll be automatically informed and can respond as best I can.

Alternatively, you can email me at tim@johnsons-web.com or

Programmer since 1987. Unix environment.


Ill try it right away ;-)

Do you have the Rebol Parse code around? I love the Parse dialect in rebol,

its a real lovely dialect Carl build there...

Greetings, Norman.
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


Wow... thats a hell of a lot coding you did there...! ;-)
-- (define? (Cornflakes))

Tim Johnson

Quote from: "newdep"Ill try it right away ;-)

Do you have the Rebol Parse code around? I love the Parse dialect in rebol,

its a real lovely dialect Carl build there...

Greetings, Norman.

The rebol script that I used to build the documentation doesn't use the

rebol 'parse function at all.

I used an input file that was 'massaged' from the original and the file

was read in as a block of lines.....
Programmer since 1987. Unix environment.

Tim Johnson

Quote from: "newdep"Wow... thats a hell of a lot coding you did there...! ;-)

Yeah! But:

The doc files were generated automatically and the mode itself was built using a template.

Have a look at http://www.johnsons-web.com/demo/newlisp/dmode.el">http://www.johnsons-web.com/demo/newlisp/dmode.el

if you're interested.
Programmer since 1987. Unix environment.


A couple of fixes for newlisp.el

I normally use Linux but on Windows the file path name makes the newlisp-eval-buffer to not work due to backslash path names.  I think I fixed it :

(defun newlisp-evaluate-buffer()

  "Tells the inferior process to load the current buffer.

   Uses the newlisp 'load command."


  (setq file-name (buffer-file-name))

  (if (equal system-type 'ms-dos)

      (let ((i (length file-name)))

        (while (>= (setq i (1- i)) 0)

          (if (eq (aref file-name i) ?\) (aset file-name i ?/)))))



   (concat "(load {" file-name "})n")))

Another thing I noticed... when you do a newlisp-evaluate-region the region passed will not be interpreted correctly if you have comments inside the region.  The following will quote the comments so that things work better:

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-quote-comments (str)

  (setq idx 0)

  (while (setq idx (string-match ";" str idx))

    (store-substring str idx ?{)

    (setq idx (string-match "n" str idx))

    (store-substring str idx ?}))



;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-evaluate-region (beg end)

  "Send the current region to the inferior newlisp process, removing newlines."

  (interactive "r")

  (setq str (concat (newlisp-replace-newlines (newlisp-quote-comments

                                (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))) "n"))


          newlisp-process-name str))


I hope it's OK to post this here.  I modified Tim's newlisp.el to fix a couple of things.  Lutz mentioned I should publish the whole changed file. Here you go.


1) pathname issue on windows/DOS

2) evaluate-buffer is fixed so that [cmd][/cmd] is used.

;;; package --- Summary

;;  newlisp.el --- An Emacs mode for newlisp

;;  this file is not a part of gnu Emacs or Xemacs

;;  Author: Tim johnson <tim@johnsons-web.com> (TJ)


;;; License:

;; Copyright (C) 2006 Tim Johnson

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as

;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of

;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be

;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied


;; PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public

;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free

;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,

;; MA 02111-1307 USA

;;; History:

;;    Originally a shameless hack of quack.el. Now a properly derived major

;;    mode. V 0.002


;;; Commentary:

;;    Thanks to Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca> (SM)

;;    Thanks also to: johan bockgård <bojohan+news@dd.chalmers.se> (JB)


;;; Related links and files

;;    http://www.johnsons-web.com/demo/emacs/derived-mode/dmode.el">http://www.johnsons-web.com/demo/emacs/ ... e/dmode.el">http://www.johnsons-web.com/demo/emacs/derived-mode/dmode.el

;;      Mode template to "roll your own programming mode"


;; 'Emacs' is meant to refer to *either* GNU Emacs *or* to the Xemacs fork


;;  About 'help-command': The standard Emacs installation maps control-h to the

;;    'help-command' prefix.  Sometimes control-h is mapped to backward-delete.

;;      if you have done so, then where 'c-h' is used in this file, substitute

;;      the appropriate prefix (such as F1)


;;; Quickstart:

;;     control-c control-h

;;; Code:

;; ===========================================================================================

(require 'scheme)          ;; Enherit Scheme mode

(require 'tj-parenface)    ;; Highlight parens and brackets

(require 'nl-docs)         ;; oneline docs

(require 'nl-docstrings)   ;; multi-line docs

;; ===========================================================================================

(defvar newlisp-function-begin-regexp "(\(?:def\(?:ine\|un\)\|fn\)"

  "Used to find function definitions. NOTE: No whitespace after parens!")

;; ===========================================================================================

;;  'helper' functions

;; ===========================================================================================

(defun safe-kill-buff (n)

  "kill a buffer, don't worry whether it exists."


  (condition-case nil

              (kill-buffer n)

              (error nil) ) )

;; ===========================================================================================

(defun newlisp-replace-newlines (S)

  "Replace newlines in string 'S' with spaces.

   Use for sendbing code to newlisp."

  (mapconcat (lambda (x) x) (split-string S "n") " "))

;; ===========================================================================================

(defvar newlisp-function-names '("define" "defun" "fn")

  "Names of Newlisp function definitions")

;; ===========================================================================================

(defun newlisp-at-function-startp ()

  "Is cursor at the beginning of a function?"


  (cond ((string-equal (char-to-string (char-after)) "(") ;; cursor on '('

       (forward-char 1)

       (cond ((member (current-word) newlisp-function-names)

            (backward-char 1) ;; found. Reset

            (message "found")


            (t ;; not found. Reset

            (message "not found")

             (backward-char 1) nil)))

      (t  nil)))

;; ===========================================================================================

(put 'fn 'scheme-indent-function 1)  ;; treat fn as a function

;; ===========================================================================================

;;  Create some faces for special fontification.

;;  NOTE: XEmacs seems to ignore the (background light) form.

;;  IOWS: You may need to use customize to set a readable color if using light background

;; ===========================================================================================

(defface newlisp-font-lock-keywords-face

  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "green4"))

    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "yellow"))

    (((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "dimgray" :italic t))

    (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:foreground "lightgray" :italic t))

    (t (:bold t)))

  "Font lock mode face used to highlight a syntax group for newlisp mode."

  :group 'font-lock-faces)

(defvar newlisp-font-lock-keywords-face 'newlisp-font-lock-keywords-face)

;; ===========================================================================================

(defface newlisp-font-lock-function-names-face

  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "darkcyan"))

    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "cyan"))

    (((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "dimgray" :italic t))

    (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:foreground "lightgray" :italic t))

    (t (:bold t)))

  "Font lock mode face used to highlight functions (defun, define, fn) for newlisp mode."

  :group 'font-lock-faces)

(defvar newlisp-font-lock-function-names-face 'newlisp-font-lock-function-names-face)

;; ===========================================================================================

(defface newlisp-font-lock-user-keywords-face

  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "red4"))

    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "yellow3"))

    (((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "dimgray" :italic t))

    (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:foreground "lightgray" :italic t))

    (t (:bold t)))

  "Font lock mode face used to highlight user-defined keywords for newlisp mode."

  :group 'font-lock-faces)

(defvar newlisp-font-lock-user-keywords-face 'newlisp-font-lock-user-keywords-face)

;; ===========================================================================================

(defface newlisp-font-lock-quote-face

  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "purple"))

    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "magenta"))

    (((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "dimgray" :italic t))

    (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:foreground "lightgray" :italic t))

    (t (:bold t)))

  "Font lock mode face used to highlight quoted symbols in newlisp mode."

  :group 'font-lock-faces)

(defvar newlisp-font-lock-quote-face 'newlisp-font-lock-quote-face)

;; ==========================================================================



  (regexp-opt '("define" "defun" "fn")))

;; ==========================================================================



   (regexp-opt '(   ;; c-h f regexp-opt <ret>

   "!" "$" "+" "-" "*" "/" "%" "<" ">" "=" "<=" ">=" "!=" "<<" ">>" "&" "|" "^^" "~"

   "abs" "acos" "add" "address" "amb" "and" "append" "append-file" "apply" "args" "array"

   "array-list" "array?" "asin" "assoc" "atan" "atan2" "atom?" "base64-dec" "base64-enc"

   "bayes-query" "bayes-train" "begin" "beta" "betai" "binomial" "case" "catch" "ceil"

   "change-dir" "char" "chop" "close" "command-line" "cond" "cons" "constant" "context"

   "context?" "copy-file" "cos" "count" "cpymem" "crc32" "crit-chi2" "crit-z" "current-line"

   "date" "date-value" "debug" "dec" "define-macro" "def-new" "delete" "delete-file"

   "device" "difference" "directory" "directory?" "div" "dolist" "dotimes" "dotree"

   "do-until" "do-while" "dump" "dup" "empty?" "encrypt" "ends-with" "env" "erf" "error-event"

   "error-number" "error-text" "eval" "eval-string" "exec" "exit" "exp" "expand" "explode"

   "factor" "fft" "file-info" "file?" "filter" "find" "first" "flat" "float" "float?"

   "floor" "flt" "for" "fork" "format" "fv" "gammai" "gammaln" "get-char" "get-float"

   "get-int" "get-string" "get-url" "global" "if" "ifft" "import" "inc" "index" "int"

   "integer?" "intersect" "invert" "irr" "join" "lambda?" "last" "legal?" "length" "let"

   "letn" "list" "list?" "load" "log" "lookup" "lower-case" "macro?" "main-args" "make-dir"

   "map" "match" "max" "member" "min" "mod" "mul" "multiply" "name" "NaN?" "net-accept"

   "net-close" "net-connect" "net-error" "net-eval" "net-listen" "net-local" "net-lookup"

   "net-peek" "net-peer" "net-ping" "net-receive" "net-receive-from" "net-receive-udp"

   "net-select" "net-send" "net-send-to" "net-send-udp" "net-service" "net-sessions"

   "new" "nil?" "not" "normal" "now" "nper" "npv" "nth" "nth-set" "number?" "open" "or"

   "pack" "parse" "peek" "pipe" "pmt" "pop" "post-url" "pow" "pretty-print" "primitive?"

   "print" "println" "prob-chi2" "prob-z" "process" "push" "put-url" "pv" "quote" "quote?"

   "rand" "random" "randomize" "read-buffer" "read-char" "read-file" "read-key" "read-line"

   "ref" "regex" "remove-dir" "rename-file" "replace" "replace-assoc" "reset" "rest"

   "reverse" "rotate" "save" "search" "seed" "seek" "select" "semaphore" "sequence"

   "series" "set" "setq" "set!" "set-locale" "set-nth" "sgn" "share" "signal" "silent"

   "sin" "sleep" "slice" "sort" "source" "sqrt" "starts-with" "string" "string?" "sub"

   "swap" "sym" "symbol?" "symbols" "sys-error" "sys-info" "tan" "throw" "throw-error"

   "time" "time-of-day" "timer" "title-case" "trace" "trace-highlight" "transpose" "trim"

   "true?" "unicode" "unique" "unless" "unpack" "until" "upper-case" "utf8" "wait-pid"

   "while" "write-buffer" "write-char" "write-file" "write-line" "xml-error" "xml-parse"    


;; ==========================================================================



   (regexp-opt '(   ;; c-h f regexp-opt <ret>

   ;; for your own libraries

   "sqlite"  ;; test


;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-sexp-start ()

  "Move point to nearest opening parens"


  (re-search-backward "("))

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-sexp-end()

  "Move point to nearest closing parens"


  (re-search-forward ")"))

;; ==========================================================================

;;  Inferior process functions and constants

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-select-sexp ()

  "Select the innermost sexp (closest to cursor)"


  (re-search-backward "(")

  (set-mark (point))


;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-select-function ()

  "Select enclosing function OR

previous function if cursor not inside of a function sexp.

Cursor moved to end of function."


  (let ((found nil))

   (cond ((newlisp-at-function-startp)

         (setq found t))


         (setq found t)))

   (cond (found

         (set-mark (point))


        (t (message "No enclosing or previous function to select")))))

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-evaluate-function ()

  "Evaluate the enclosing (or previous) function"



   (let ((found nil))

     (cond ((newlisp-at-function-startp)

          (setq found t))


          (setq found t)))

     (cond (found



         (t (message

             "No enclosing or previous function to select for evaluation"))))))

;; ==========================================================================

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-quote-comments (str)

  (setq idx 0)

  (while (setq idx (string-match ";" str idx))

    (store-substring str idx ?{)

    (setq idx (string-match "n" str idx))

    (store-substring str idx ?}))



;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-surround-cmds (str)

  (concat "n[cmd]n" str "n[/cmd]n"))

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-evaluate-region (beg end)

  "Send the current region to the inferior newlisp process, removing newlines."

  (interactive "r")

  (setq str (newlisp-surround-cmds  (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))


          newlisp-process-name str))

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-evaluate-region-old (beg end)

  "Send the current region to the inferior newlisp process, removing newlines."

  (interactive "r")

  (setq str (concat (newlisp-replace-newlines (newlisp-quote-comments

                                (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))) "n"))


          newlisp-process-name str))

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-evaluate-buffer()

  "Tells the inferior process to load the current buffer.

   Uses the newlisp 'load command."


  (setq file-name (buffer-file-name))

  (if (equal system-type 'ms-dos)

      (let ((i (length file-name)))

        (while (>= (setq i (1- i)) 0)

          (if (eq (aref file-name i) ?\) (aset file-name i ?/)))))



   (concat "(load {" file-name "})n")))

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-evaluate-last-sexp()

  "Send the previous sexp to the inferior Scheme process.

   Newlines removed."


  (newlisp-evaluate-region (save-excursion (backward-sexp) (point)) (point)))

;; =====================================================================================

;;  Top-level Values

;; =====================================================================================

(defvar newlisp-binary-name "newlisp" "Process executable")

;; =====================================================================================

(defconst newlisp-process-name "newlisp" "Newlisp Process Name")

;; =====================================================================================

(defconst newlisp-function-regexp

        (regexp-opt '("define" "defun" "fn"))

        "Newlisp function names")

;; =====================================================================================

(defcustom newlisp-doc-buffer  "*newlisp-doc-buffer*"

  "Unique buffer name for newlisp docs"

  :type  'string

  :group 'newlisp)

;; ===========================================================================

(defcustom newlisp-docstring-prefix "new*lisp-"

  "Prefix for dummy defuns holding docstrings. Avoid 'newlisp' to avoid

overloading 'appropos results."

  :type  'string

  :group 'quack)

;; ==========================================================================

(defvar newlisp-help-buffers

  `("*Help*" ,newlisp-doc-buffer)

  "Can hold any buffer that can get in the way. newlisp-kill-help-buffers

uses this for cleanup.")

;; ==========================================================================

(defcustom newlisp-comment-prefix ";"

  "*String used by \[comment-region] to comment out a block of code."

  :type 'string

  :group 'newlisp)

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-font-lock-fontify-buffer ()

  "Just a wrapper for font-lock-fontify-buffer. Use liberally to refontify

multi-line strings. HINT: put cursor outside of string when using."



;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-previous-functionp ()

  "Look for the preceding function definition.

Move there and return t if found.

Reset to starting point and return nil if not found."


  (let (res (start (point)))

   (setq res


         newlisp-function-begin-regexp nil 'move))



      (if (newlisp-at-function-startp)

        (setq res t)

        (goto-char start)

        (setq res nil)))


      (goto-char start)

      (setq res nil)))



;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-next-functionp ()

  "Look for next function definition.

Move there and return t if found.

Reset to starting point and return nil if not found."


  (let (res (start (point)))

   (setq res

        (re-search-forward newlisp-function-begin-regexp nil 'move))



      (re-search-backward "(")

      (if (newlisp-at-function-startp)

        (setq res t)

        (goto-char start)

        (setq res nil)))

     (t (goto-char start) ;; go back to where we started

       (setq res nil)))


;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-previous-function()

  "Moves point backwards to the beginning of the nearest function definition"


  (let (res)

   (setq res (newlisp-previous-functionp))

   (if (not res)

     (message "No previous function"))))

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-next-function()

  "Moves point backwards to the beginning of the nearest function definition"


  (let (res)

   (setq res (newlisp-next-functionp))

   (if (not res)

     (message "No function found while searching forward."))))

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-comment-region (beg end &optional arg)

  "Like comment out the region."

  (interactive "rnP")

  (let ((comment-start newlisp-comment-prefix))

    (comment-region beg end arg)))

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-uncomment-region (beg end &optional arg)

  "Uncomment region."

  (interactive "rnP")

  (let ((comment-start newlisp-comment-prefix))

    (comment-region beg end -1)))

;; ===============================================================================================

;; Inferior process

;; ===============================================================================================

(defun newlisp-show-interpreter()

  "Start and/or show interpreter in other window.

Cursor stays at point."



   (make-comint newlisp-process-name newlisp-binary-name ))

  (other-window -1))

;; ===============================================================================================

(defun newlisp-visit-interpreter()

  "Start and/or show interpreter in other window.

Then, put cursor in other window."



   (make-comint newlisp-process-name newlisp-binary-name)))

;; ===========================================================================

;; Documentation

;; ===========================================================================

(defun newlisp-kill-help-buffers ()

  "Kill unwanted help and documentation buffers"


  (let ((buff-list newlisp-help-buffers))

   (while buff-list

         (safe-kill-buff (car buff-list))

         (setq buff-list (cdr buff-list)))))

;; ===========================================================================

(defun newlisp-kill-doc-buffer ()

  "Kill the newlisp documentation buffer. If exists."


  (safe-kill-buff newlisp-doc-buffer))

;; ===========================================================================

(defun newlisp-show-doc-oneliner ()

  "Show one-line doc for newlisp symbol in minibuffer"

  (interactive "*")

  (let ((kwd (current-word)) res msg)

   (setq res (assoc (intern kwd) newlisp-short-docs))



      (setq msg (concat kwd ": " (cdr res))))


      (setq msg (concat "** NO MATCH FOR KEYWORD "" kwd "" **"))))

   (message msg)))

;; ===========================================================================

(defun newlisp-doc-keyword ()

  "Get newlisp keyword documentation"

  (interactive "*")

  (let(kwd func-name doc-result doc-string)

   (setq kwd (current-word))

   (if (string-equal kwd "") ;; no keyword found


       (message "NO KEYWORD SELECTED. Place cursor on a word.")

      (setq doc-string nil))

     (progn ;; check for existence of doc-string

       (setq func-name (intern (concat newlisp-docstring-prefix kwd)))

      (setq doc-result

           (condition-case nil

                       (documentation func-name)

                       (error nil)))

      (if doc-result ;; docstring returned. Prepare it by prepending a header

        (setq doc-string (concat kwd "n=========================n" doc-result))

        (message (concat "** NO DOCUMENTATION FOR: " kwd " **"))

        (setq doc-string nil)))))) ;; return a nil value

;; =====================================================================================

(defun newlisp-show-doc-message-box ()

 "get newlisp documentation and display in message box"

 (interactive "*")

 (let (result)

   (setq result (newlisp-doc-keyword))

   (if (stringp result)

     (message-box result))))

;; =====================================================================================

(defun newlisp-show-doc-buffer ()

 "get newlisp documentation and display in buffer"


 (newlisp-make-doc-buffer (newlisp-doc-keyword)))

;; =====================================================================================

(defun newlisp-make-doc-buffer (text)

 "Generate newlisp documentation buffer"

 (interactive "*p")


  (if (stringp text)

      (let (prev-buffer)

   (setq prev-buffer (buffer-name))

   (switch-to-buffer-other-window newlisp-doc-buffer)


   (insert text)



   (switch-to-buffer-other-window prev-buffer))))

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-indent-line ()

  "Set a line to proper lisp-style indentation.

   Sometimes this means that a line may be `out'dented."

  (interactive) (lisp-indent-line))

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-indent-sexp()

  "Set a sexp to proper lisp-style indentation.

   Sometimes this means that a sexp may be `out'dented."

   (interactive) (indent-sexp))

;; ==========================================================================

(defun newlisp-nudge-region ()

  "Indent region by space"

  (interactive "rnP")

  (indent-rigidly beg end 1)


;; =====================================================================

(defun newlisp-tab-region (beg end &optional arg)  

  "Indent a region by a tab."

  (interactive "rnP")

  (indent-rigidly beg end tab-width)


;; ==========================================================================

(defvar newlisp-font-lock-keywords

   `(,@scheme-font-lock-keywords  ;; note: backquote and splice operator!

     ;; add new keywords for highlighting in our sample face

     (,(concat "\<\(" newlisp-keywords-regexp "\)\>")  ;; builtin keywords + word boundaries

      0 newlisp-font-lock-keywords-face t)

     (,(concat "\<\(" newlisp-user-keywords-regexp "\)\>")  ;; user keywords + word boundaries

      0 newlisp-font-lock-user-keywords-face)

     (,(concat "\<\(" newlisp-function-names-regexp "\)\>")  ;; function keywords + word boundaries

      0 newlisp-font-lock-function-names-face t)

     ;; Multi-line string highlighting. HINT: use ctrl-c f to refontify

     ;;   NOTE: emacs does not handle multi-line string well in this manner.

     ;;     (JB) suggests looking at how perl and AUCTex handle this.

     ("[^#]\({[^{}]*}\)" 0 'font-lock-string-face) ;; braces, {}

     ("[^#]\(\[text\][^{}]*\[/text\]\)" 0 'font-lock-string-face t) ;; [text] [/text]

     ("'[A-Za-z0-9-_*0-9]*" 0 'newlisp-font-lock-quote-face)

    ("\(^\|[^$\]\)#.*" 0 'font-lock-comment-face t) ;; ## comments

    ("\(^\|[^$\]\);.*" 0 'font-lock-comment-face t) ;; `;;' comments


   "List of newlisp keywords and faces.")

;; ==========================================================================

;; Construct a keymap for the mode.

;; ==========================================================================

(defvar newlisp-mode-map

  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) ;; c-h make-sparse-keymap <RET>

   ;; Here we may define any number of key sequences for our mode

   ;; c-h define-key <RET>

   (define-key map [(control c) (control b) (s)] 'newlisp-show-interpreter)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control b) (v)] 'newlisp-visit-interpreter)

   ; --------------------------------------------------------------

   (define-key map [(control c) (control e) (b)] 'newlisp-evaluate-buffer)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control e) (l)] 'newlisp-evaluate-last-sexp)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control e) (r)] 'newlisp-evaluate-region)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control e) (s)] 'newlisp-evaluate-function)

   ; --------------------------------------------------------------

   (define-key map [(control c) (control d) (b)] 'newlisp-show-doc-buffer)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control d) (k)] 'newlisp-kill-help-buffers)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control d) (m)] 'newlisp-show-doc-message-box)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control d) (o)] 'newlisp-show-doc-oneliner)

   ; --------------------------------------------------------------

   (define-key map [(control c) (control i) (n)] 'newlisp-nudge-region)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control i) (t)] 'newlisp-tab-region)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control i) (l)] 'newlisp-indent-line)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control i) (x)] 'newlisp-indent-sexp)

   ; --------------------------------------------------------------

   (define-key map [(control c) (control n)] 'newlisp-next-function)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control p)] 'newlisp-previous-function)

   (define-key map [(control c) (?[)] 'newlisp-sexp-start)

   (define-key map [(control c) (?])] 'newlisp-sexp-end)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control ?[)] 'forward-sexp)  ;; note: menu and help view will show C-c ESC

   (define-key map [(control c) (control ?])] 'backward-sexp)

   ; --------------------------------------------------------------

   (define-key map [(control c) (control s) (x)] 'newlisp-select-sexp)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control s) (s)] 'newlisp-select-function)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control c) (c)] 'newlisp-comment-region)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control c) (u)] 'newlisp-uncomment-region)

   (define-key map [(control c) (control f)] 'newlisp-font-lock-fontify-buffer)


  "Keymap for `newlisp-mode'.")

;; ==========================================================================

;; Define the menu using 'easy-menu-define for

;; best compatibility for both forks.

;; ==========================================================================

(easy-menu-define    ;; c-h f easy-menu-define <RET>

  newlisp-menu newlisp-mode-map "Newlisp Mode Menu"


   ["Show Interpreter" newlisp-show-interpreter]

   ["Visit Interpreter" newlisp-visit-interpreter]

   ["Load File" newlisp-evaluate-buffer]

   ["Evaluate Region" newlisp-evaluate-region]

   ["Evaluate Sexp" newlisp-evaluate-last-sexp]

   ["Evaluate function" newlisp-evaluate-function]

   "-" ;; seperator

   ("Text Operations"  ;; submenu

    ["Indent Region by TAB" newlisp-tab-region]

    ["Indent Region by SPACE" newlisp-nudge-region]

    ["Indentation for Line" newlisp-indent-line]

    ["Indent Sexp" newlisp-indent-sexp]


   "-" ;; seperator

   ["Help Buffer" newlisp-show-doc-buffer]

   ["Help Oneliner" newlisp-show-doc-oneliner]

   ["Help Popup" newlisp-show-doc-message-box]

   ["Kill Help Buffer" newlisp-kill-help-buffers]

   "-" ;; seperator

   ["Next function" newlisp-next-function]

   ["Previous function" newlisp-previous-function]

   ["Nearest Start of Sexp" newlisp-sexp-start]

   ["Nearest End of Sexp" newlisp-sexp-end]

   ["Forward Sexp" forward-sexp]

   ["Backward Sexp" backward-sexp]

   "-" ;; seperator

   ["Select function" newlisp-select-function]

   ["Select Sexp" newlisp-select-sexp]

   ["Comment Out Region" newlisp-comment-region]

   ["Uncomment Region" newlisp-uncomment-region]

   ["Fontify Buffer" newlisp-font-lock-fontify-buffer]


;; ==========================================================================

;;(lambda ()

;;  (set (make-local-variable font-lock-comment-face) ugly-face))

(define-derived-mode newlisp-mode scheme-mode "newlisp"

  "A major mode for Newlisp."

  (easy-menu-add newlisp-menu) ;; install main menu

  (imenu-add-menubar-index)    ;; install imenu with title "Index"

  (setq imenu-sort-function 'imenu--sort-by-name)  ;; alternatively: 'imenu--sort-by-position

  (setq auto-rescan t)         ;; tell imenu to rescan every time it is used

  ;; Highly Recommended: c-h v font-lock-keywords <RET>

  (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)

       (cons 'newlisp-font-lock-keywords

             (or (cdr font-lock-defaults)

                 '(nil t ;; syntax table modifications follow: You may wish to use

                    ;; For help: C-h f modify-syntax-entry <RET>

                    ;; Bind non-alpha characters to the 'word' syntax class

                       ((?+ . "w") (?- . "w") (?* . "w") (?/ . "w")

                        (?. . "w") (?< . "w") (?> . "w") (?= . "w")

                        (?? . "w") (?$ . "w") (?% . "w") (?_ . "w")

                        (?& . "w") (?~ . "w") (?^ . "w") (?: . "w"))))))

                        ;; NOTE: Emacs accepts a more compact approach.

                        ;; The cons-cell list approach used here is for XEmacs compatibility.

                  (define-key scheme-mode-map [menu-bar scheme] nil)  ;; drop the scheme menu


;;; newlisp.el ends here


I've been using slime mode, just stopped procrastinating, and tried

newlisp mode.  After starting emacs, I got:

error: "Invalid escape character syntax"

I think the error occurs when loading nl-docstrings.el,  but couldn't find anything more specific.  any ideas?


Quote from: "tom"I've been using slime mode, just stopped procrastinating, and tried

newlisp mode.  After starting emacs, I got:

error: "Invalid escape character syntax"

I think the error occurs when loading nl-docstrings.el,  but couldn't find anything more specific.  any ideas?

I usually debug something like this by putting in the following into emacs init file (.emacs):

(add-hook 'after-init-hook

     '(lambda () (setq debug-on-error t)))

I haven't had any problems.  I have used newlisp.el (thanks to Tim Johnson) with xemacs 21.4 on windows and emacs 21 on Linux.  I personal disklike slime so I am happy to use newlisp-mode as is.


thanks. I cleaned up my very cluttered .emacs and stuck in your

debug-init snippet, and presto! newlisp mode.  I should have done this

a long time ago.  Newlisp mode is waaay better than slime (insert

maniacal laughter). bwa. bwahaha.
