Pattern recognition

Started by newdep, March 31, 2006, 12:57:24 PM

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Hi Lutz,

Do you have perhpas thought of an extensive pattern matching

function in newlisp? (in a way that is does recognize patterns)

let say I have a big list with:

(setq biglist '( 11213223455436654354378909811213456 ...

what is a good way to recognize undefined patterns in a list?

(Assume you dont know the list contents in advance)

So actualy a function that is capable of doing scans on undefined content

for self-discovered-patterns that then returns a list with duplicate or more patterns found...

Have you done this befor in newlisp?

Regards, Norman
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


This could be a life's work ;), many have spent years on the seemingly random sequence of Pi digits and found all kinds of methods and strange things:">

For a list of number digits you could start counting all possible patterns/combinations up to a specific length and see if they occur more often then expected. In newLISP functions like binomial, betai and prob-chi2 could help. Read a book about Probability or browse through this article and the links in it:">
