- newlispEvalStr - "\n"

Started by newdep, January 07, 2006, 02:10:44 PM

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Hello Lutz,

Seems "newlispEvalStr" always adds an extra "n" to its output.

It dont see any reason why this should happen when caling the newlisp library

from other languages, actualy  its quiet annoying this extra "n".

 All those "n" first must be removed from the evaled string befor it can be

intepreded by the lagunage that imports the newlisp library..

Even using the newlisp library from within newlisp its of no use a get-string

or eval-string dont even look for the "n"..

Whats the use of this extra "n" and can it be removed by default?


Perhpas newlisp should have a global config variable like Tcl does with

"fconfigure" and include pipes/sockets/stdio/events and library calls for

configuration behaviours...Saved space in functions and would make interworking between WIN Linux and OSX also flexible.

-- (define? (Cornflakes))


The /n was introduced with 'net-eval' to separate the return values of multiple evluated expressions.

Evaluation via 'newlispEvalStr', 'net-eval' and command-line are now handled consistently the same way, which is a good thing.

The main reason for this was to accomodate 'net-eval', which helps to write newlisp programs in a distributed fashion.



Isn't it nicer to return multiple evaluated values in multiple nested lists and

not using the "n" for net-eval?

-- (define? (Cornflakes))