is this a silent (reverse "gub") ?

Started by newdep, April 05, 2006, 01:12:12 PM

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(tested on WinXP, 8800)

This is a small mismatch i think...

This is silently computing, (no highload) but without output or ending...

>(dup 0 -1)

seems series and sequence are protected by the -1..

and doing a (dup "0" -1) in the console version gives a nice error..

though exists immediatly..

On linux however ->

> (dup "1" -1)

Segmentation fault

-- (define? (Cornflakes))


Aaa wait a while ..when doing ie.. (dup (lambda()) -1).

The console of window comes after 5 minutes nicly with a message

"Press ENTER to exit"

Soo newlisp is working hard in the -1 until memory is exchausted..

Not realy a bug ..but behaviour its not consistent over the OS version...
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


Its overflowing memory assuming a max of 2147483647 repetitions, I will look into it.



Coincidentally I called dup by mistake this way last week:

(while (read-line file)
(println (replace {(S*)(s*)(=)(s*)(.*)} (current-line) (string $1 (dup " "  (- 20 (length $1))) $3 " " $5 ) 0 )))

which can produce a negative value. The returned error was 'not enough memory', though, which seemed correct.