
Started by methodic, May 09, 2005, 10:06:08 PM

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I am reading a bunch of data from STDIN, saving each line in a variable, then I am concatinating the newest line with the older data, but it seems newlisp is stripping out the newline chars.


(set 'full "")

(while (set 'n (read-line (device)))

  (set 'full (string body n)))

if i do a (print full), I get everything, minus the newlines.

Am i missing something?


nevermind, i figured out that read-line chops off the newline, so Im simply doing this:

 (set 'full (string body n "n")))


But your program isn't appending but setting the variable 'full' each time. Here is a method to do a quick string append:

(set 'full "")

(while (set 'n (read-line (device)))
    (write-buffer full (string body n)))

Now 'full' will get appended each time


ps: welcome to the group Methodic