How to add stack size when -x code to executable file

Started by ssqq, July 31, 2016, 06:03:44 AM

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ERR: call or result stack overflow in function set : term

When I see this error, I think the stack size is too small. How to enlarge it in default?


Hmmm.  I've never done this.  But before you try anything with linking, first confirm that adding more stack space will solve your issue.

$ newlisp -s 10000 foo.lsp
If something like the above works (for the appropriate value of -s, of course), only then proceed to the following

I assume you are linking your code to the newlisp executable (because you mention -x in your subject line), i.e. you are doing this:

$ newlisp -x foo.lsp foo
Have you tried the following?

$ newlisp -s 10000 -x foo.lsp foo
If that doesn't work, you could try building a version of newLISP that has the stack space you want as the default.  (This will of course mean that you will patch a bit of the C code -- probably one line, but I haven't seen the code in ages.)  Now, you should be able to link your newlisp source file with the newly built `newlisp` executable and get the extra stack space you need.
(λx. x x) (λx. x x)


I found my stack over flow is code design have problem, when call a function with recursive over 50> times, would occur this error.

> (define (call x) (cond ((= x 1) x) (true (dec x) (+ x (call x)))))
> (call 1000)
ERROR: stack over flow