Newlisp and debugging

Started by jopython, May 18, 2014, 10:41:54 AM

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It becomes really painful to debug newlisp code if we get an error message like follows with no line number and there are 8 instances of the map function in my code :

ERR: list expected in function map : nil


I always get a message like that when I have an error in my code, but I recall always seeing a series of lines that indicate the function call trace and I can always locate the error without line numbers.  Are you getting such a call trace?

It looks something like (but not exactly like, because I'm going off of my bad memory) the following.


ERR in call to map

Called in function3

Called in function2

Called in function1

(They're usually longer than this (lame) example.)
(λx. x x) (λx. x x)


Unfortunately that is all i got.

Ultimately, I managed to figure out where the issue was. But  it took a while.

Thank you for your response.